
13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do Mini Series

Welcome to the 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do mini series. These book study episodes are all about how to take back your power, embrace change, face your fears, and train your brain for happiness and success. We discuss Amy Morin’s book, “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do.” We talk about practical, actionable ways to press on through life’s tough circumstances. This mini series begins on episode 112 of the Witty & Gritty podcast. Click the affiliate button below to get your copy of Amy Morin’s “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do.”

“13 Things” Mini Series Episode Breakdown

In episode 112, “Don’t Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Yourself”, we discuss practical tips on how to quit the pity party and practice gratitude more. Training yourself and others to be more grateful will help you become more mentally tough.

In episode 113, “Don’t Give Away Your Power”, we discuss practical tips on how to set healthy boundaries, break free from people pleasing, and gain back mental real estate. Training yourself and others let go of grudges and practice forgiveness will help you have a more positive life.

In episode 114, “Don’t Shy Away From Change”, we discuss practical tips on how to embrace change while putting realistic expectations on each circumstance. Training yourself and others to get comfortable with change will help you become more mentally tough.

In episode 115, “Don’t Focus on Things You Can’t Control”, we discuss practical tips on how to let go of being a perfectionist and trying to control everything. Training yourself and others to release what should not be help onto so tightly will help you become more mentally tough.

In episode 116, “Don’t Worry About Pleasing Everyone”, we discuss practical tips on how to stop trying to please everyone all the time. Training yourself and others to practice a healthy “no” will help you become more mentally tough.

In episode 117, “Don’t Fear Taking Calculated Risks”, we discuss practical tips on how to take a leap of faith using logic. Training yourself and others to learn how to get rid of risk aversion will help you become more mentally tough.

In episode 118, “Don’t Dwell On The Past”, we discuss practical tips on how to press on through negative past experiences. Training yourself and others to process through emotions and trauma in a healthy way will help you become more mentally tough.

In episode 119, “Don’t Make the Same Mistakes Over and Over”, we discuss practical tips on how to learn from past experiences. Training yourself and others to leverage lessons to be more successful in the future will help you become more mentally tough.

In episode 120, “Don’t Resent Other People’s Success”, we discuss practical tips on how to quit being envious of others. Training yourself and others to find peace and celebrate others will help you become more mentally tough.

In episode 121, “Don’t Give Up After the First Failure”, we discuss practical tips on how to persevere through trials and failures. Training yourself and others to press on when you fail will help you become more mentally tough.

In episode 122, “Don’t Fear Alone Time”, we discuss practical tips on how to get comfortable practicing solitude. Training yourself and others to focus on independent growth tactics will help you become more mentally tough.

In episode 123, “Don’t Feel the World Owes You Anything”, we discuss practical tips on how to eliminate entitlement and focus on contentment. Training yourself and others to stay humble with what you have will help you become more mentally tough.

In episode 124, “Don’t Expect Immediate Results”, we discuss practical tips on how to practice patience. Training yourself and others to be more realistic with the progress of reaching your goals will help you become more mentally tough.

In episode 125, “How to Stay Strong in Crisis”, we talk about how to stay mentally strong through family crisis. Pam and Jerry Lewis join us to talk about their son’s path through addiction and recovery, and what they did as parent’s to keep their focus and remain strong.

In episode 126, “Losing a Child and Husband”, we talk about how to stay mentally strong through the death of a child and death of a spouse. Lisa Schoenrock joins us to talk about how she has pressed on through tragically losing her son, and then few years later losing her husband. 

In episode 127, “How to Be Spiritually Strong”, we talk about five ways to become spiritually strong. Rocky Hernandez joins us to talk about what being spiritually strong looks like in everyday life. 

We hope you enjoy the 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do mini series, because we had a blast creating it! We pray that through this mini series we are all able to become our best selves to further the kingdom. It’s not always easy, but we can do it through God’s strength. Follow the party over on IG and Pinterest where you can see what we’re up to! Click the affiliate button below to get your copy of Amy Morin’s “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do.”

Christian Podcasters & Bloggers

Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.