
Satan Wants You Stuck

In episode 173, “Satan Wants You Stuck”, we talk about how the devil tries to keep us misidentifying ourselves as anything other than “Child of God.” Learn how to combat the titles we give with Biblical truths. We begin our book study mini series over Autumn Miles’ book, “I Am Rahab” in episode 172, and it goes through episode 187. Learn how Rahab’s story mirrors our lives of being touched by God and fully restored.


Stop Name Calling

You teach your kids this, you try not to do this to people, but here we are…calling ourselves the worst names (Hey, Enneagram 1s). If you stop and think about it, have you been kind to yourself lately? How about when you mess up, fall back into a cycle, or give in to that cyclical sin? What name are you saying then? Here are a few common names people can get stuck with:

  • Addict
  • Divorcee
  • Gossip
  • Judgemental

“Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!”

2 Corinthians 13:5

If you are a Christian, you no longer have to call yourself those names, or even let satan whisper them to you in your dark moments. Kick those to the curb immediately. How? Glad you asked. Instead, go by the name “child of God”, “redeemed”, “forgiven”, you get the picture. You are made in the image of God. Satan wants you stuck, so capture those name calling thoughts and examine who you really are.

“Let us test and examine our ways, and return to the Lord!”

Lamentations 3:40

Satan Wants You Stuck

Now that you’ve chosen to stop defining yourself according to the devil’s schemes, you are ready to leverage it! Think about what mean name you have been calling yourself, and think about who else has been down that road or is going down that road. You have the choice to help them with your story! Remember that satan wants you stuck, so he’s going to make you doubt yourself, your testimony, and even doubt how God can work through you.

God’s grace is greater than the title you have been holding onto. That is no longer yours to carry. Drop that ugly title, combat those lies with the truth, and leverage your story to help others through this. Your sin doesn’t define you; that’s not who God says you are. Your sin has been forgiven and it’s final, baby. Rest in that promise from Jesus.

“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

Romans 8:1

Leverage Your Label

Let’s cover our bases so far from episode 173, “Satan Wants You Stuck.” We have decided to not name call or go by any other negative titles the devil wants us to go by. We have decided to capture thoughts thoughts as they happen in real time, and combat them with the truth of who you are in Christ Jesus. You’ve chosen not to stay trapped in the lies being thrown at you, and now it’s time to leverage!

Your story, or testimony, is now considered a blueprint for “how to overcome that thing you went through.” Think about the process, the way you worked through it, etc… God has helped you press on through this all while giving you the steps along the way. Now it’s time to turn around that information to someone who is ten steps behind you.

This takes healthy vulnerability, making sure the “dos” and “don’t dos” are clear, and that God is all throughout your story. This story/blueprint you now have can be used to glorify God, squash satan, and help others along the way. Hooray! Be sure to scroll back up and press play on episode 173, “Satan Wants You Stuck,” and hear all the details on how this can look in your life. You are an official ambassador of Christ, so represent well!

We hope you enjoyed episode 173, “Satan Wants You Stuck” and that you have practical, actionable steps you can take. Be sure to check out this entire I Am Rahab mini series about learning how Rahab’s story mirrors our lives of being touched by God and fully restored. Dig deep to grow closer to God in this mini series. You can do this! We’re here to help. Click the affiliate image below to get your copy of Autumn Miles’ book.

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.