
George James: The Power of Positive Summit

Every year, Jon Gordon hosts the Power of Positive Summit. He brings in inspirational public figures to speak life into the viewers and to give genuine advice on how to thrive in life. George James is a therapist who strives to better relationships, specifically marriage.

George gave a highly motivational talk about putting in the effort to foster great relationships. He give us his “B4s” that guide us on how to maintain high quality relationships.

1.Build a Foundation

Without a solid foundation, any relationship will crumble at some point. The very first item to invest in is the foundation. What connects you to this person? What are some common characteristics? Are there shared core values? Can you think back to a time where y’all aligned on your moral code? These are all great questions George poses that leave us all with food for thought and room for improvement.

2.Be Vulnerable

It is absolutely vital to be able to share your thoughts, emotions, dreams, and goals with the deepest relationship you have (best friend, spouse, parent, etc…). You must be willing to get out of your comfort zone and share with the person you love. This will make a significant impact towards growth and positivity in your relationships. It’s definitely worth a shot if it means you get a deeper bond with your spouse!

3.Better Your Communication

We are not mind readers, yet sometimes we expect our loved ones to know how we’re feeling, what our triggers are, and why we operate a certain way. The great thing about developing communication is that you can talk about anything and everything. Think back to step one to get the conversation flowing. A tip George gives us is to make a time to talk and stick to it no matter what. This will help build trust in yourself and your partner.

4.Bring Value to the Team

Everyone loves a good teammate, but are you exhibiting those qualities in your everyday life? How can we expect our significant other to be an amazing teammate when we aren’t even pulling our own weight? Some tips he gives us on this point are to stay positive, bring your full potential to the table, and be a united front.

George James’ talk was exceptional and highly motivational. He is honest and gets right down to solving problems and making relationships go from good to great. Keep having those fun times with your spouse and leverage that into a relationship transformation!

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