
Recognizing and Combating Anxiety with Jessica Day

In episode 89, “Recognizing and Combating Anxiety with Jessica Day”, we begin our interviews portion of our “Get Out Of Your Head” mini series. We dive into what anxiety can look like, how to attack it, and how to set yourself up for success.


Jessica Day is a digital media planner, health coach, and lifestyle blogger. Wearing all the hats, including wife and mom, Jessica walks us through her story from her struggles, to her successes. Here’s her roadmap on how she is actively recognizing and combating anxiety.

Find Your Tribe

We all need people will speak life into us. God designed us for community and fellowship. We all need a people who understand the weird quirks that come with our day to day lives, and be able to talk us down when we need it.

We are not meant to walk alone. In a situation where you are the one speaking life into someone? Check out this blog post to get ideas on how to support someone you love.

Check Your Input

The Bible directly speaks about how input determines output. Matthew 7:17 says, “So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.” If we want to stop producing poor outcomes, we have to check what we are putting into ourselves.

This can look many different ways; from the food we eat to the book and shows we consume. Dig deep and truly ask yourself, “What am I pouring into myself?” You are in control of what is filling you up. If you need a few tips, try these:

  • drink water
  • reduce screen time
  • have tribe pray over you
  • journal about it

Be Still

Jennie Allen’s book specifically talks about getting quiet and listening to God. Being intentional with taking the time to do this will be an absolute game changer in your spiritual walk as well as producing good fruit. Pro Tip: Have a plan in place to help set you up for success. Setting aside time to tune into what God is saying to you will help you grow closer to Him.

We hope you enjoyed “Recognizing and Combating Anxiety with Jessica Day”, the first interview of three in this mini series. Be sure to check out episodes 84-91 to hear this entire mini series on how to stop toxic thoughts from spiraling out of control. You can do this! We’re here to help.

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