
The Ultimate Superpower

Who doesn’t love a good comic book hero? From insane gadgets to being faster than a speeding bullet the age old question for us has been, “If you could have any superpower, what would it be?”

Now, it’s taken me about 30 years to finally realize what I would choose. For a while I thought teleportation; it’s just so practical. Then I thought about super strength, again practical (I could open any pickle jar thrown my way!). After some time debating on this and reflecting on my life and all the imaginable powers possible it hit me. Retractable arms.

Not quite what you were expecting? Here me out. Here are only three, of the myriad of reasons, why retractable arms would be the best superpower ever.


Anyone else only want one trip from the car to the house with groceries? Yes, super strength and many farmer’s carry reps can help you achieve this goal, but if you had double the arms you wouldn’t even break a sweat. Not to mention reducing the amount of time it takes to do the mundane chores by a whopping 50%. Dishes, folding clothes, changing diapers. The practicality is limitless.


The concept of four arms is great, but I haven’t seen too many shirts that have four sleeves (or mannequins for that matter). Instead of having to increase my sewing skills, I’d be able to retract my extra pair of arms when it isn’t necessary to have them out. Yes, there is the conundrum of what happens when I wear a normal shirt and need my extra arms…when I gain this superpower I’ll be sure to contact Edna Mode. She’ll be able to address this issue.

3.Crime Fighting

Oh yes, in this imaginable situation where I have the superpower of retractable arms, I will, in fact, be a superhero. During these crime fighting adventures it will appear as though I’m the underdog. Little does the enemy know, I am ready to give the quick, unexpected HI-YA from four different angles. Try to stop that one, villains. Take that, bad guys!

As one can imagine, the list can go for miles on the pros of having the superpower of retractable arms. What would you use this superpower for? This is a great question to ask on a first date. Trust me. Let me know how that works out for you.

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.