
Sustaining Belief During Setbacks

In episode 97, “Sustaining Belief During Setbacks”, we discuss chapters 25-29 in Bob Goff’s book, “Dream Big: Know What You Want, Why You Want It, and What You’re Going to Do About It.” We talk about how to sustain belief in your God-driven ambitions even in the face of failure.


Expect Setbacks

We know that we will face trials on this side of heaven (James 1:2), but we know that these obstacles are leveraged into perseverance (James 1:3). This perseverance in full effect will help us believers become perfect and complete, not lacking anything (James 1:4). Thank you, God for this promise! We can choose to have the mindset shift from dwelling in our misery to leveraging every experience for growth. Take yourself up on this challenge; you won’t regret it!

We reveal our true character when things don’t go our way. How was that traffic jam you were in last week? How did you handle getting passed up on the job? From the big life events to the small, how are you choosing to leverage rough moments for God’s glory? If you’re not the greatest at making lemonade out of lemons quickly, have planned responses to give yourself space and time (we go over multiple ways how to do this in this episode).

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28

Sustain Belief

How are you going to show up when it’s time to step up? Are you still sitting on the idea and haven’t moved forward? It’s time to take action and get moving! It can be intimidating getting started on a big dream, but we offer you another perspective. There is someone out there that is praying that you’ll step into action. They may not know you by name or exactly your role, but they are desperately praying for people to step up into their God-given purpose and further the kingdom. That can even look as simple as part of your earnings go to a non-profit that funds something you stand behind. It doesn’t have to be a groundbreaking idea or move. It can be a simple act.

We never know how far the ripple goes when we step into what God has called us to do. You have a skill set and see a need you know how to fill. No one else see it or can fill the need like you can. If it’s an ambitions from God, know that He will equip you; just keep moving forward. Celebrate the little wins, have a healthy community, and keep your eyes on Jesus.

We hope you enjoyed “Sustaining Belief During Setbacks”, and that you have practical, actionable steps you can take. Be sure to check out this entire Dream Big mini series on knowing what you want, why you want it, and what you’re going to do about it. You can do this! We’re here to help. Click the affiliate image below to get your copy of Dream Big.

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.