
How to Stay Strong in Crisis

In episode 125, “How to Stay Strong in Crisis”, we talk about how to stay mentally strong through family crisis. Pam and Jerry Lewis join us to talk about their son’s path through addiction and recovery, and what they did as parent’s to keep their focus and remain strong. We are in the interview portion of our book study mini series over Amy Morin’s 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do. Learn how to take back your power, embrace change, face your fears, and train your brain for happiness and success.


Jerry and Pam are regular church goers and spread the love of Jesus wherever they go. What they didn’t know was that drug addiction was slowly creeping into their family, and was going to wreak havoc on their lives. Their high school aged son, Caleb, had become dangerously addicted to drugs and through a series of shocking events, needed intense help. In episode 125, this couple talks about what they did in order to come through to the other side.

Be Vulnerable

There were moments that Jerry and Pam didn’t know how they were going to help Caleb with his addiction. They had tried every discipline, action, and step they could think of. Nothing seemed to work. After struggling internally, they decided it was time to ask for help from outside their family unit.

“We couldn’t do it on our own. Once we spoke up, the response was overwhelmingly positive and helpful.”

Jerry Lewis, Episode 125

The couple reached out to their church home group. This community immediately began praying and surrounding the family with love and guidance. They reached out to the church to seek wise counsel and to find sources of help. Pam became the research queen and looked up all possible options, while Jerry held the fort down. Each person played a vital role in Caleb’s story.

Be Bold

Through all this, they came to the decision to have Caleb live in a rehab facility. This decision was heartbreaking, but they understood the magnitude of the situation. In episode 125, we give the details on the three different facilities Caleb went to, and what the outcomes at each place were (scroll up and click play to listen).

There were moments that proved extremely challenging to get Caleb to facilities, and tragic events that occurred. Through the amazing power of God, they were able to find a facility that was an amazing fit for Caleb, and they began to see God working in Caleb’s heart. Be bold in having tough conversations and making tough decisions when navigating how to stay strong in crisis.

Be Intentional

Pam and Jerry’s advice is to make sure you as a couple are on the same page. Talk it out, pray through it, and lean on God. There are days you won’t feel mentally strong, but know that God is carrying you through these moments. Do not wait to hit rock bottom before you start listening to what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell you.

“There were days that we weren’t mentally strong, but thank God we have Jesus.”

Pam Lewis, Episode 125

Tune into what your children are saying, who they’re hanging around, and pick up on any changes in their behavior. Take action early, and intervene as soon as you notice something in your kids. Jerry and Pam talk about what this looked like for them, so be sure to listen to episode 125.

A Hope for the Future

There was a rock bottom point when Pam & Jerry needed more help. Thank God there were men in a parking lot selling banana bread. Through a series of conversations, they were led to talk with Caleb about a place called Victory Life.

“We just wanted him clean. Now he wants to serve Jesus.”

Jerry Lewis, Episode 125

Victory Life Ministry is a 501 (C) 3 non-profit Christian organization. Their MISSION is “to reach and offer transformation and healing to the drug addict, the alcoholic, the gang member, and anyone who is in need of change in their life through the grace and power of Jesus Christ.”

Watch the video below to learn more about Jerry and Pam’s experience with Victory Life and how it helped lead Caleb to an addiction free, Jesus fill life. If you have the means, you can financially donate to help this home house people in need for free.

Pam & Jerry Lewis with Victory Life Ministries

We hope you enjoyed “How to Stay Strong in Crisis”, and that you have practical, actionable steps you can take. Be sure to check out this entire 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do mini series (13 Things mini series) about a simple & proven way to become more mentally tough. You can do this! We’re here to help. Click the affiliate image below to get your copy of Amy Morin’s book.

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