
Why Others’ Interests Matter

In episode 154, “Why Others’ Interests Matter”, we discuss why it’s important to pay attention to the interests of others. Through others’ passions and hobbies, we can connect on a deeper level while being others-focused. We begin our book study mini series over Dale Carnegie’s book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age” in episode 151. Learn how to develop the soft skills needed to have a positive impact, lead others well, and help point others to Christ.


Ask Better Questions

Part of being a servant leader is understanding why others’ interests matter. If you care about a person or a relationship in any sort of capacity, wouldn’t you know something about them? What are their hobbies? Would they rather read a book in a coffee shop, or go on a hike? When we engage in conversation, this can look as simple as asking the better question.

In our Dream Big mini series, we introduce the idea of asking the 6th or 7th question. This means, when you meet with someone for the first couple of times, jump on into the deeper questions. “Having a good day?” doesn’t cut it. Instead, try some of these:

  • Who’s your favorite fictional character?
  • What superpower would be interesting to have?
  • What show/book are you loving right now?

Questions along these lines spur on creative thinking and open up the opportunity to see what the other is interested in. This can be a fun and new way of getting to know people without having to force awkward conversation.

Plan Activities for the Group

Whether it’s your kids, coworkers, or people in your home group, once you know their interests, see if you can take them up on an offer. If you’re a women, are the girls in your home group all Tex Mex fans? Plan a lunch or dinner out to bond over tacos, queso, and birthing children. Fellow guys, are y’all in for a thrill? Try a guys paintball day. There are so many ways for groups of people to bond through activities that align with interests. Hint: call it something more fun than “team building exercise”.

Take the initiative to make a plan that takes most into consideration. There may always be a couple who don’t particularly like queso, but the hot sauce may be great (sticking with the dinner idea). Word to the wise, you be the first to step up out of your comfort zone and try something you may not particularly like, or may not be interested in. Maybe you don’t like paintball, but you enjoy competing, so try this for a new spin. Stepping out of your comfort zone first encourages others to do the same.

Joyfully Lead

It’s true that people enjoy working and being around enjoyable people. Are you enjoyable to be around, especially when you’re not doing the thing that you wanted to do? Remember that this mini series is about considering others first. The team building exercise may not be up your alley, but you can do your best and have a joyful heart in the process. Being others-centered includes your attitude as well.

A self centered life is the most problematic one. If you’re a leader of any sort (yes, this means you, even if you think your role doesn’t count), humbly lead, joyfully lead, and help others with no strings attached. Jesus Christ is a phenomenal example of doing this on a consistent basis. We are to walk humbly, serving out of love for others. Let’s take a note from Jesus and choose to lead in this way.

We hope you enjoyed episode 154, “Why Others’ Interests Matter” and that you have practical, actionable steps you can take. Be sure to check out this entire How to Win Friends mini series about how to have a positive impact, lead others well, and help point others to Christ. You can do this! We’re here to help. Click the affiliate image below to get your copy of Dale Carnegies’ book.

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.