
How to Work with your Spouse in Business & in Life

In episode 54, we bring in Brandon & Meghan Giegling from the Fools in Love Podcast onto the show! We discuss how to work with your spouse in your business and in life. This couple brings in great insight on how to set yourself up for success with your work and your marriage.


Whether you and your partner work from home together, have tough hours, or a combo of it all, this Listener’s Choice episode is for you! Brandon & Meghan bring years of experience to the table in this fun discussion.

Define Your Role

One tactic Brandon and Meghan discuss is clearly defining roles. This works for home life (yay chores…), work life, and all in between. Think about what your strengths and weaknesses are in different pockets of life. How can you and your partner complement each other?

If you’re having trouble discovering what your role may be, just ask your spouse what they think. Have that honest conversation with each other and then get to work on how your can play to your strengths. If you don’t mind taking the trash out, but your partner hates it, do it! Same goes for payroll, being the creative of the company, filing paperwork, etc…

Learn to Communicate Effectively

Being able to communicate effectively with your partner is a vital aspect of any solid relationship. Effective communication is the key; otherwise, you’re just talking at each other. You need to be clear on how you’ll communicate and how you’ll have conflict resolution.

Brandon & Meghan do a great job of going into specific details, anecdotes, and tactics on what works for them. Feel free to use their tool belt in order to grow your relationship with your partner. It is so important to maintain a healthy relationship in both marriage and work. Episode 54 will point you in the right direction.

Learn to Be Vulnerable

This goes hand in hand with communication skills. You have to be vulnerable. Check out our Daring Greatly mini series that will help you get started and grow your ability to be vulnerable in a healthy and safe manner. be willing to open up the conversation and then LISTEN and be gracious.

Be willing to give yourself the time and space to diver deeper into discussion with your partner. We may have subconsciously built up walls that our spouse can shine a light on, which will help us grow. Analyze and communicate with respect in building towards the same team goals.

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.