
Why We Chose: The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

In the not-so-distant past, I found myself in a rut. It was actually more like a canyon. The most frustrating part was I didn’t think I had a good reason to be feeling down in the dumps. I had three beautiful girls, a loving husband, a great job, a functional yet messy house, and Mexican food. So where were these blues coming from?

As I worked toward my goals and dreams, I remember thinking, “Once I achieve ____, life will be so much better. I will be so much happier.” But what I discovered is that the fulfillment of success doesn’t last long. In a weird way my contentment lasted longer while pursuing the goal than when I actually achieved the goal. 

Olympic swimmer, Michael Phelps, and Olympic snowboarder, Shaun White, shared similar experiences in a recent interview with Tony Robbins. They felt as though their identity was wrapped up in their drive to train and compete in National Championships and the Olympics. Once these competitions were over, several athletes find themselves in dark places. Phelps and White attributed this depression to the lack of a big goal to work towards. 

As I started to think of new goals to pursue, I quickly realized that I liked where I was at in life and really just wanted to be a better version of myself. How could I be a better mom, wife, co-worker, sibling, and Christian? How could I take better care of myself both physically and mentally? In other words, how could I innate and succeed at personal growth?

I began listening to Podcasts and audiobooks as I drove to and from school. It was great because I was able to learn and drown out a screaming baby while the big girls watched Frozen for the 1,000,000th time. As I was listening to a Podcast, I heard about this book “15 Invaluable Law of Personal Growth” by John Maxwell. It sounded like the kind of resource I was looking for! 

Click the Amazon link below to get your own copy!

I bought the book, and new right away that it was going to be helpful! So of course, I had to tell my bestie, Brooke, all about it. She purchased the book and also found value in it. We knew we needed to share this treasure with our friends and family. 

I guess you could say the rest is history! This book and our God given passion to help others pushed us to start our Podcast and blog. We hope that the wisdom in this book will meet your unique and individual needs. 

Tune in as we discuss personal growth through real life experiences, funny anecdotal stories, and interviews! Be sure to leave a comment. We would love to hear your ideas and experiences as well!

Click the Amazon link below to get your copy!

You can also check out our podcast series that discusses the book and our reasons on why you should order the book today!

Christian Podcasters & Bloggers

Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.