
Why Are Love Languages Important?

In episode 141, “Why Are Love Languages Important?”, we introduce you to our new mini series all about how to love people better. Learn why knowing your love language (along with others’) is valuable to how you can grow your relationships. We begin our book study mini series over Gary Chapman’s, The 5 Love Languages in episode 141. Learn how to strengthen all of your relationships (not just with your significant other) with the secret to love that lasts.


Love Languages Apply to Every Person

We want to start this mini series by saying this is for every person, no matter the life phase. You were designed to love and be loved. Thank Goodness we have the Bible that shows us God’s perfect example of how to love others. All of the Love Languages books (linked below) give us further insight to ourselves and others. When we know how we want to be loved and know how others want us to express love, that gives us the opportunity to show God’s love through us. Learning to love others well will help Christians point others back to God.

Just because the title of the series is “Love Languages”, doesn’t mean you must have a significant other to utilize these tools. We want you to walk away from this mini series with tools in your tool belt that help you deepen your relationships through loving others better. The author has many resources specific to life phase, so be sure to scroll down and see which are best for you at this time. Get ready to dive in and grow!

Falling in Love vs Staying in Love

Romance novels are fictional for a reason (sorry, Nicolas Sparks). Research shows that the falling in love feelings, or honeymoon phase, lasts about two years on average. Yes, all the feelings an emotions are a real experience, but they are fleeting. This is NOT permission to tell people in the honeymoon phase that it will be all over in two years (that would be rude). What we need to start talking about is how the honeymoon phase is normal, and it will end. That’s where the real work begins.

Now that we’ve normalized not always feeling in love, we need to get our minds right for choosing to love regardless of how you feel. The goal is to choose unconditional love, because that is what God shows us. God chose to love us no matter how many times we mess up (intentionally or unintentionally), so we need to model that in our loves too. Easier said than done, so that’s why we made this mini series!

Choosing to Love

Once you have kids, the parenting role doesn’t stop at 18, it’s a lifetime commitment. Lifelong friendship takes work. Having a marriage that withstands the storm takes choosing love. Every relationship worth having and growing requires that we put in the work. Gary Chapman says it takes two things to make choosing love routine:

  • Effort
  • Discipline

When relationships get tough, many believe there are two choice (split up or live miserably), but there is a third choice; pursue the act of love. Yes, love is a verb, and it takes every ounce of work some days. After those “in love” feelings are gone means we must actively choose to love each other no matter what. How do you show up when things get hard? Real love sticks it out and show up when it’s rough.

Take the Love Languages Quiz!

Did you know that if you get “The 5 Love Languages” book or audiobook, the quiz comes with it for free! In this part of episode 141, “Why Are Love Languages Important?” we guess what each other’s love languages are (most dominant to least dominant). Hint: we’ve been best friends and we still couldn’t rank each other correctly. If we can’t do it, think about how much more you need to actually discuss love languages!

“In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”

Matthew 7:12

This is the golden rule, so it’s important to find the way to love others well. If you’ve been wondering why are love languages so valuable, know that it will only strengthen your relationships. If you’re worried about a certain love language not coming naturally to you, no worries! We’ll help you out with that part too. We even have our Atomic Habit Mini Series that will teach you how to form good habits and break the bad ones. Binge listen to these two series together to exponentially grow!

We hope you enjoyed episode 141, “Why Are Love Languages Important?” and that you have practical, actionable steps you can take. Be sure to check out this entire 5 Love Languages mini series about how to strengthen all of your relationships (not just your significant other) with the keys to love that lasts. You can do this! We’re here to help. Click the affiliate image below to get your copy of Gary Chapman’s book.

5 Love Languages Resources

Christian Podcasters & Bloggers

Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.