
How to Have a Heart & Mindset Shift to Be the Change

Episode 53 is a Listener’s Choice interview where we bring in Wiley & Tiffany, a couple who opens their hearts as they speak from experience with what’s going on in the world today. We listen as they tell us how we can have a heart and mindset shift in order to be the change we want to see.


Tiffany is in the medical field leading as a transplant coordinator and Wiley is in the education field leading as a teacher and coach. This couple loves Jesus and loves to serve. They help us see and better understand what their lives are like through their eyes along with providing insight to how other communities can step up and speak out against injustice.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”


Gain an Outside Perspective

We’ve all grown up differently, so it’s wise to make sure we’re seeing all points of view. We have to understand that people view the world with a different lens. Reflect on our Enneagram mini series. We talk a lot about how each type sees the world differently. That’s only talking about personalities!

Everyone has a different background whether it’s skin color, socioeconomic background, or what we are taught through our experiences. We cannot choose to ignore our differences, rather, we need to embrace the differences, celebrate the differences, and choose to educate ourselves by seeking to understand.

Age Appropriate Communication

Conversations on tough topics need to start now, yes, as young as possible. We need to be talking to our kids about God, the world, and all in between. The key here is to deliver the in depth information in a way that can be understood.

Addressing topics at age and developmentally appropriate levels is the tactic that has helped us the most. If you’re speaking to your toddler about race (or sex, or moral code, or whatever the topic), use age appropriate language and visuals (there are so many wonderful children’s books out there!). As your children grow, so do the complexity of the conversations

Conversations can happen naturally, so use every moment as a teachable moment. More is caught than taught. Your kids are paying attention to what you do and how you respond, whether you think they are listening or not.

Watch Your Words

It’s vital to pay attention to how you speak and the manner in which you talk. Whether it’s a causal conversation with friends, business discussions, or even the how your thoughts are manifesting in your mind, your words carry power.

“We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

2 Corinthians 10:5

Bottom line. Our job as Christians is to love everyone. Have a kind heart to all. Instill love and kindness into your circle of influence. Think, “It starts with me!” Do what is right; always. We must first seek to understand. Let’s leave the world better than we found it. We can have the heart and mindset shift we need in order to make a positive impact generations to come.

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.

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