
The Bible Recap with Tara-Leigh Cobble

We’re in our Book Promotion mini series and today (episode 81), we’re talking with the author of “The Bible Recap”, Tara-Leigh Cobble. This book is a transcription of her daily, Christian podcast, The Bible Recap, which aims to keep people connected to reading the Bible.


TLC started D-Group (Discipleship Group) with a handful of college students in 2009 and it has grown into 250+ groups around the world. She’s written a few books with an aim to point others toward Him. She also writes and hosts a daily podcast called The Bible Recap, which aims to keep people connected to reading the Bible when they’re tempted to quit for lack of understanding, as well as a daily radio show called The God Shot. Affiliate link below.

Podcast Plan & Transcription

What we love about The Bible Recap is that it’s 365 days in managable chunks. It’s not going to be overwhelming, too complex, or too boring. TLC does an amazing job of helping the reader/listener to maintain focus, and truly hear wisdom from the scripture.

The Bible Recap is comprised of the podcast, and the book. The Bible Recap book is the podcast transcribed (note takers, rejoice!). Studying the Bible deeply is the primary goal of Tara-Leigh, and she’s designed her study in a way that is both auditory and tactile. In just 8 mins a day on the podcast, and reading for about 12 minutes in the Bible, you’ll be able to draw closer to Christ. TLC is great about being specific, to the point, and convenient for any lifestyle.

Seeing God in the Bible

Tara-Leigh describes a couple of different ways people use the Bible. She talks about using the Bible as a pharmacy (personal application, self help, “me centered”) vs seeing God in the Bible (relationship, His character, His truths). The Bible Recap has a section each day that specifically focuses on where we see God’s character in the Bible: The God Shot.

If we had the chance to take a snapshot of a specific section in the Bible, where can we see God in the story? What characteristics is He displaying? How does this fit in the great love story of the Bible? The God Shot helps capture these moments.

To the Listener Who Doesn’t Want to Read the Bible

Tara-Leigh has a message to tell you in episode 81, and it is powerful. You may not want to read your Bible, but you may want to want to read your Bible. Know that you are welcome here, you can succeed here, and God has great things in store for you in The Bible Recap.

The good news? You do not have to do this plan perfectly. Yes, it’s 365 days, so if you stick with it, you’ll get through the entire Bible in a year. But, there is flexibility here. If you need to take longer, go for it! This plan can fit your lifestyle, we just want you to go for it. The Bible Recap with Tara-Leigh Cobble is a great way to grow closer to God.

We hope you enjoy this fun interview with Tara-Leigh Cobble. Seriously, we could have laughed with her all night long.

If you’re looking to make one of your spiritual goals this year to be about reading through the Bible, this plan is for you!

The Bible Recap is easy to use plus you can enjoy it through her podcast or her book! Be sure to click the button below to add it to your Amazon cart (affiliate link).

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