
Everything is Figureoutable: Episode 43, Chapter 5

Brooke & Faren, continue the mini series on how all things are possible! In episode 43, we how fear is NOT the enemy. We analyze what lies we tell ourselves and change the narrative to get us growing. Join us in chapter 5 as we continue with “Everything is Figureoutable.”


Chapter 5 of Forleo’s book mentions something we all struggle with… FEAR. Fear that holds us back or makes us play small. We all feel this, and in episode 43, we talk about how to leverage that ear into producing results! Join us as we discuss how to get out of your own way.

Fear is not the enemy

We’re all guilty of dwelling on these fears. Be sure to check out episode 43 to hear how to combat the common fears.

  • the unknown-we fear what we don’t understand or don’t know
  • financial
  • hypotheticals
  • what you can’t control

The Enneagram and Fear

Humans are innately designed with fear engrained into us. As we get older and go through experiences, we all have different underlying fears. Remember when it comes to the Enneagram, if you’re feeling stressed and fearful you go to your stress number and behave according to that number. If you need a starting place to learn more about the Enneagram: START HERE.

Tactics to moving through and beyond your fears:

  • Face your fears: If we would face it, we can process through the fear. Ignoring our fears can lead to our imaginations going out of control, or create numbing for all feelings.
  • Recognizing fear is normal: We all feel fear, but it’s our response to fear that defines who we are as people.
  • Leverage your fear: Make the best out of every situation. This takes time and practice.

Break down your fear. What exactly are you afraid of happening? Boil it down to its most basic state. Now that that and think, “Can I actually control this?” If the answer is no, you can do one of two things.

  • Stay in hypothetical play land: Where no one wins, ever.
  • Give it to God: He is in control, hand your fear over to him.

Again, this is easier said than done, but it is achievable with time, patience, and deliberate practice. You can do it! We’re here to help.

Fear or Excited?

The physical symptoms of fear and excitement are similar. The only difference is what is going on in your mind. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if there’s a step we need to take or if we need to step back.

Here are some ways you can filter through your emotions to discern whether or not this is a step forward you need to take, or a step you should refrain from taking the step:

  • Pray about it
  • Read your Bible
  • Seek wise counsel
  • Worship session
  • Journal it out

Keep your wise counsel in mind. Somedays are rougher than others, so we need our counsel members to help us out. Be sure to check out this article on how to speak life into people.

Remember, you can’t rationalize with irrational, so if you’re feeling “off” or not getting a clear answer, repeat the previous list! Have you prayed about it more than you’ve dwelled on it?

Combat your Inner Critic

Some of severely struggle with a harsh inner critic (Hello, Brooke and her Enneagram 1 self and Faren’s strong wing 9!). The Bible tells us to take every thought captive and filter it through what God has to say. A great way to combat the nonsense in our heads is to change the narrative.

We are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

2 Corinthians 10:5

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.