
Get Unstuck to Reach Your Goals

In episode 96, “Get Unstuck to Reach Your Goals”, we discuss chapters 19-24 in Bob Goff’s book, “Dream Big: Know What You Want, Why You Want It, and What You’re Going to Do About It.” We discuss how to cut down on bad habits, overcome obstacles, and press on towards achieving your dreams.


Cut This Out

There are seasons where we need to cut back in order to create space for our priorities. It’s wise to remember that there are peaks and valleys in different phases of life, so checking back in on how your daily actions reflect those priorities is vital.

Think about what is holding you back, or what has taken you captive that you can’t seem to get unstuck from or drop. In this episode, we give several examples on how these negative habits can sneak in along with how to combat them.

Look to identify any fears that may be lingering. See if there is anything that can be taken off your plate or can be easily put on hold. Are there any simple trades you can make that will help you get closer to reaching your goals? The more we can cut back unnecessary distractions, the quicker we can realize our dreams.

Take Action

Now that you’ve been able to find places to cut back, this creates space for you to create high quality systems. This will streamline the steps to reach your goals. Here’s what it may look like for you in this season:

  • Accountability partner
  • Likeminded community
  • Fully relying on God to equip you

Top priority needs to be making sure our dreams are aligned with God and what He wants us to do. Praying, reading the Bible, tuning into the Holy Spirit, seeking wise counsel, and journaling are all examples of what it can look like to discern whether your dreams are lining up with what God wants for you.

We hope you enjoyed “Get Unstuck to Reach Your Goals”, and that you have practical, actionable steps you can take. Check out this entire Dream Big mini series on knowing what you want, why you want it, and what you’re going to do about it. You can do this! We’re here to help.

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.