
Everything is Figureoutable: Episode 51, Paul’s Interview

Brooke & Faren, conclude the mini series on how all things are possible! In episode 51, we interview Paul, a Co-Pastor at Community Life Church. In Paul’s interview, he talks about how Christians can live a lifestyle according to Marie Forleo’s motto of “Everything is Figureoutable.” Join us as we talk through how to grow as a Christian and stay aligned with your passions and purpose.


Paul is one of three Co-Pastors at CLife, a church in North Texas. Hear about Paul’s journey of starting a church, growing a family, and how he’s walked through an “all things are possible” philosophy.

Make Your Own Roadmap

Time after time in the Bible, there are examples about God leading people in a direction, and the people needing to lean on their faith. So many times in our own lives, we don’t have the roadmap, we just have the first step. We only know what the next right thing is. Lean on your faith.

Here are some PRO TIPS on what you can do when you don’t know the roadmap:

  • Lean on your faith in God, trust Him
  • Do the next right thing
  • Look back on your life and reflect on times God has been faithful
  • Read your Bible so you’re grounded in truth
  • Hold up the truths of the Bible to your decisions (are they aligned?)
  • Pray and ask God to guide you

Gain a Biblical Worldview

The combination of self help AND faith in Christ creates exponential growth. Remember, anyone can read a book, but will you apply it? Anyone can make the choice to be a Christian, but are you living for Christ? When we can combine personal development with our relationship with God, we can fully rely on God and we can fully control what we can control.

When life hits hard, having a biblical world view will help you gain perspective and have the mindset shift you need in order to press on faithfully. We can’t see all the moving parts, but God can. Look back at His faithfulness and see how he’s brought you through in life. You have survived 100% of the hard things you’ve ever been through.

Whether it’s trauma, mental illness, or a tough season in life, you have to come to a point that you recognize that it’s your weakness that pulls you closer to God. Ask God to show up and give you the grace you need to make it through the season (or the day, the hour, the minute you need it). We go deeper into this in the podcast episode.

How to Stay on the Right Spiritual Track

The mindset shift that needs to happen in all of us: we have more power over our feelings than we give ourselves credit. We have to take every thought captive and hold it up to the truths of the Bible. Just because you feel a certain way doesn’t make it necessarily true. Satan attacks us through our thoughts, so learn to combat this by challenging your thoughts and feelings with what God says. Here are some PRO TIPS that can help you:

  • Get into God’s word: reading your Bible gives you the ability to challenge your thoughts. Examples of how this can look: journaling, reading straight through books of the Bible, take a sentence or word and dwell on it, memorize verses, etc…
  • Pathways to God: worship, serving, teaching, etc… What makes you feel close to God?
  • Get in community: Sometimes we can deceive ourselves, we need people who can speak life into us and help guide us.
  • Strong Foundation: The more solid your foundation in God is, the easier is will be to lean on Him when you handle life’s challenges.

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.