
Everything is Figureoutable: Episode 48, Chapter 10

Brooke & Faren, continue the mini series on how all things are possible! In episode 48, we discuss the importance of knowing that the world needs your unique gift. We give you truths, tips, & tactics on how to do all of this. Join us in chapter 10 as we continue with “Everything is Figureoutable” by Marie Forleo.


We’re closing out the book study portion before we go to interviews! In this episode, we give you the confidence to help you say goodbye to feeling like you lack purpose and hello to stepping into your calling.

God Given Purpose

You, YES, you! Did you know that you are created with a higher purpose? God has given you a passion and skill set that only you can hone in on. The more you converse with God, the more you’ll be able to narrow down what He has called you to do.

You are unique. That is the beauty about God’s creation. The passion and purpose you have cannot be duplicated by another. You are the only person who can deliver what you have to offer in your way. Someone needs to hear your message.

You are Here for a Reason

Take a minute to reflect on your past. It is highly possible that the struggle you have overcome could be leveraged to help someone. Remember that in this life, you’ll experience trials, but you get to choose what you make of it.

You have a choice to leverage your experiences for pain or for gain. It is completely up to you. You may hold the key to unlock the roadmap for someone who is going through what you know how to get past. This could be anything from how to cope with death or how to learn a language. Leverage it all for good.

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is just another way of saying that the inner ciritic inside your head is trying to hold you back. It’s throwing limiting beliefs your way and seeing what sticks. Here are some common limiting beliefs when it comes to sharing your gifts, passions, and experiences with others:

  • Someone has already told this story.
  • No one will care what I have to say.
  • This has already been done before.
  • Someone else already does this better than I could.

Shut your inner critic down by combating it with the truth. No one else has a story just like yours. No one else can demonstrate your passion exactly the way you do. Imposter syndrome affects everyone to some degree. Here’s that you can do to help yourself when the inner critic is too loud:

  • Share the shame: be vulnerable with your arena, have your village rally behind you
  • Start a hype file: collect motivational things, past victories, truth that combats lies & reflect on it whenever needed
  • Shine your light out, not in: help people overcome with your experience, focus on your why and your God given purpose

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.

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