
Excited and Grateful Prayer

In episode 137, “Excited and Grateful Prayer”, we talk about how to pray expectantly with a sense of gratitude. Praying like this will bring you closer to God and help you have the mindset shift you may have needed. We begin our book study mini series over Autumn Miles’ Gangster Prayer in episode 131. Learn how to relentlessly pursue God with passion and great expectation.


Excited About Prayer

Prayer doesn’t have to be a drag. In fact, if it feels that way, you’re doing it wrong! Praying expectantly means beliving that God will come through with what He says, so get excited about it! Watch God work, and have fun seeing Him move. If you’ve been praying for something, and God has guided you to that, get excited and anticipate He’s working all things out. We want you to fight the lie: “God might let me down, so i shouldn’t expect anything from Him.” Know that God’s never going to let you down. Believe that nd put it on repeat.

Keep that foundation of faith, not doubt, and remember that you have a choice in how you react. Pray in faith, lean on God’s truth, and watch Him work. Reflect on Bible stories where people had great faith and God didn’t fail them. Remember times God has come through for you.

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

2 Corinthians 4:18

Pro Tip: When we pray for God to move, we need to surrender our how and when we think this should happen. Remind yourself that we don’t know all the moving parts, and sometimes we don’t even know what we need. God knows what’s best for us and he is on the move to make that happen. Pray that you can let go of your timeline and way that you feel certain circumstances should play out. God will give you what you need, so pray for that. It takes practice, but do your best to enjoy this slow time or the season of waiting. Experiencing peace, patience, and rest in those moments, and practice the use of excited and grateful prayer.

With a Thankful Spirit

Would you consider yourself a person who practices gratitude on a regular basis? Do you model this for those you are leading? This sense of gratitude is exponentially powerful when it’s carried over into your prayer life too! In episode 137 “Excited and Grateful Prayer” we want you to fight the lie: “God’s going to do what He’s going to do, so there’s no point in thanking Him until it’s all over.” That’s a hlaf truth that we dive into on the show, so be sure to scroll up and press play.

God has a divine plan that is perfect, wonderful, and works all things together for our good. We believe that and trust that will come to fruition. Guess what? We get to play an active role in His plan! God gives His people giftings and talents, and our job is to use those to praise God and bring others to Him. There are passions and desires we have in our lives because they were placed there. Be sure to actively pray that you are aligned with God’s plan, and that your desires line up with it.

We talk about gratitude journaling a lot on the show (check out our favorite on HERE), and there is so much evidence about the benefits of it. The same goes for praying out of a spirit of gratitude. Thank God for the things He has done AND for the things He will do. Remember that God is a great gift giver, and He wants you to flourish. Stay grounded in scripture and lean on His promises. Being a thankful person will spill over into all the pockets of your life; what a great byproduct!

We hope you enjoyed episode 137, “Excited and Grateful Prayer” and that you have practical, actionable steps you can take. Be sure to check out this entire Gangster Prayer mini series about relentlessly pursuing God with passion and great expectation. You can do this! We’re here to help. Click the affiliate image below to get your copy of Autumn Miles’ book.

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Written by Brooke in January 11, 2022
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Christian Podcasters & Bloggers

Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.