
The Power of Smiling

In episode 155, “The Power of Smiling”, we talk about why a smile can have such a big impact on those around you. Genuinely smiling when connecting with others will better your relationships. We begin our book study mini series over Dale Carnegie’s book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age” in episode 151. Learn how to develop the soft skills needed to have a positive impact, lead others well, and help point others to Christ.


Smile Science

If you take a few minutes to Google, you can see an array of studies that show smiling is good for you and the people around you. The power of smiling has an affect on every person whether they realize it or not. Throughout our book study book and the episode, we give multiple accounts that prove smiling causes happy byproducts. Byproducts that move the needle forward in your relationships, business, and goals.

If you’ve listened to the Witty & Gritty podcast for a few episodes, you may hear Faren reminding Brooke to “Say it with a smile!”. She gives this advice because:

  • our listeners can’t see Brooke (hooray for monotone voices)
  • it makes Brooke sound more enjoyable to listen to

We joke, but making your face smile tricks our brains, leaving us feeling more joyful and pleasant sounding. We all need a Faren in our life to remind us to smile more.

In our backgrounds, we’ve (Brooke and Faren) both spent time in foreign countries and helping teach those who speak different languages both here in the U.S. and also away. Your body languages matters, and greeting people with a smile matters. It’s been engrained into our former teacher brains, and now we pass this strategy onto you and your life.

Smiling is a simple way to make any situation better (obviously be appropriate with your timing, and we don’t mean smiling like a weirdo). Your genuine smile is all it takes. Did you know that 99.7% of adults believe a smile is an important social asset. That number is astronomically high. 99?! If you’re sitting in that 1%, better get on board! I mean, you can at least get on board for having the smiley wrinkles instead of the frowny wrinkles, right?

Digital Smiles

You’ve been there. You get a text message with no emotional context and you’re left feeling, “Wow. They were short with me. I wonder if they’re upset with me?” Or, you may be on the other end, talking through your Apple Watch, and the dictation is off just enough to confuse the reader. You hit send because you’re in the middle of a workout and think nothing of it. We’ve all been on either side of this message, and neither is great. That’s why we have to add our voice in somehow so that our meaning gets across. Here are some tips to use when appropriate (we discuss the times/places for these in the episode, so be sure to scroll back up and press play):

  • use emojis, gifs, memes (or other visual aids)
  • add humor, jokes, or stories
  • use relatable context that takes your reader there

You context matters, expecially if no one can see your face or hear your voice. We go over several workplace tips and examples of what we do that helps us remain professional while helping others full understand what the expectations are. Before you hit send on that professional email that has sensitive information:

  • proofread for typos and tone
  • peer proofread (someone in your field)
  • triple check no laws are broken (HIPPA, FERPA, etc)
  • write in a way that cannot be misunderstood
  • implement the 24 hour rule if emotions are high
  • compliment sandwich

“The Power of Smiling” episode is packed with tried and true strategies that will help you remain professional when needed, and relaxed when you get back to texting friends. If you know someone who is struggling in this area, send this link to them!

Smiling Benefits the Team

You’re here because you’re a leader in some way. That can mean mom, coach, or CEO. In some capacity, you have others looking up to you, and it’s your job to step up and lead. You can do this! Did you know that happy people flock to each other? The more you smile, the more you’ll become surrounded by smiley people. If you’re tired of walking into your building with a bunch of grumps, make it a point to be the one who smiles, greets people by name, and genuinely asks how they are. It will slowly, but surely make a difference.

We hope you enjoyed episode 155, “The Power of Smiling” and that you have practical, actionable steps you can take. Be sure to check out this entire How to Win Friends mini series about how to have a positive impact, lead others well, and help point others to Christ. You can do this! We’re here to help. Click the affiliate image below to get your copy of Dale Carnegies’ book.

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.