
Preparation Pays Off

In episode 185, “Preparation Pays Off”, we interview the co-founder of Witty & Gritty, Brooke, about her son who was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at 3 years old. With a year under her belt, Brooke talks about how reading her Bible, praying constantly, and living in Christian community helps her. We begin our book study mini series over Autumn Miles’ book, “I Am Rahab” in episode 172, and it goes through episode 187. Learn how Rahab’s story mirrors our lives of being touched by God and fully restored.


Hands and Feet of Jesus

Brooke opens up with the initial diagnosis of her son having Type 1 Diabetes at age 3, and what her inner circle did throughout this time. As we walk through the first few days of diagnosis, she talks about those around her stepped up. Her community group, church leaders, family, and friends all played individual and collective roles to help through the hospital stay and the first few days at home.

Having a community around you who is willing to step up and help is priceless, and when that group follows the prompting of God, great things happen. Here are a few of the many ways Brooke’s team helped those first few days:

  • Praying for doctors, medicine, insurance
  • Delivering items to the hospital and home
  • Looking after the siblings while the parents were away
  • Sending encouraging texts, messages, prayers, and letters
  • Speaking scripture, worship songs, and truth over the family
  • Praying specifically for strengthening the marriage through this

Each life crisis is different, and that requires unique help along the way. If you or someone you know has gone through significant life change, do not hesitate to reach out and support. They will appreciate it. Let your home group, neighbors, family, and friends love you by letting them serve and support you.

God Will Equip You

Brooke jokes about not enjoying math in school, and how she stopped taking those courses as soon as she could. Now being the caretaker of T1D, math happens all the time. This is where the verse in Hebrews comes in handy.

Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Hebrews 13:20-21

Because Brooke has spent the past few years diligently reading her Bible, praying constantly, and growing in Christian community, the truth of this verse made it easy to trust and rely on God. She knew He was going to come through for her, equip her, and surround her with people that can help. Putting in the hours of work ahead of crisis will reduce the amount of time spent panicking, worrying, and not having a Christian lens filtering properly.

Preparation Pays Off

Life can be tough, and there will be times we have no idea what to do except to trust in God’s plan. The more you can learn about who God is, how He operates, and how He wants you to live your life, the more you’ll be able to apply His wisdom. Here are four ways to grow yourself in your faith:

  • Read your Bible daily
  • Pray throughout the day
  • Grow spiritually with Christian friends
  • Tell others about the gospel

Brooke grew up on the phrase “Read your Bible, always pray, tell of Jesus’ love each day, spend some time with Christian friends, and you’re going to grow going to grow in Him.” It’s simple, easy to implement, and it works. Learn this phrase, teach it to your kids, tell it to your mama. PRO TIP: If you’re going to pray about it, don’t worry about it. If you’re going to worry about it, don’t pray about it.

Advice for a Crisis

After listening to this episode and reading the show notes, you know that preparation pays off. Now here is some general information that will help you and others along the way. A crisis resulting in life change can take some adjusting. For Brooke, the first 6 months were rough. Thank you, God, for equipping and providing.

PRO TIP: Control what you can control. You are not in control of what is happening to you, but you can control your response. Pray hard about how you respond for adversity. Ask your circle to pray for a Godly response.

PRO TIP: Use correct terminology, especially with kids. Brooke breaks this down in the episode, but this also goes for body parts, body safety, and safe rules.

PRO TIP: Have go-to truths, phrases, and support in place. This is also discussed in the episode. These phrases can be memorized and utilized at any future crisis.

PRO TIP: Perspective shift. See a crisis as an opportunity. When you are experiencing a life change, learn to roll with plans A, B, C, D, E and view each as an opportunity for growth.

We hope you enjoyed episode 185, “Preparation Pays Off” and that you have practical, actionable steps you can take. Be sure to check out this entire I Am Rahab mini series about learning how Rahab’s story mirrors our lives of being touched by God and fully restored. Dig deep to grow closer to God in this mini series. You can do this! We’re here to help. Click the affiliate image below to get your copy of Autumn Miles’ book.

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.