
5 Elements to a Consistent Bible Study

As Christians, we know that reading our Bible is one of the most important things we can be doing in on a regular basis. But, life can get in the way. We can get caught up in the busyness, hustle culture, and skip over this spiritual discipline. I can be guilty of this from time to time, and I know I’m not alone in this struggle. This is why I’ve come up with 5 elements to a consistent Bible study. If you’ve been wanting to read your Bible more, start here. This is one of five blog posts/podcast episodes in my Toolbox Mini Series.

Here’s a peek into the Toolbox mini series (bullet points clickable):

A little backstory for you. Several years ago, I felt like I was drowning in a combination of life, career, chores, kids, marriage, you name it. I had felt like I had no time to sit and read my Bible, let alone keep my eyes open if and when I actually sat down. This went on for far too long, and over time, I didn’t like who I was becoming. I spent little time in the word, felt mentally and physically drained, and I beat myself up regularly because of this cycle. Wow, it’s exhausting even just reflecting on that time in my life.

I knew a change needed to happen. I knew I needed to read my Bible more. And I was done feeling how I was feeling. Fast forward through years of research, problem solving, trial and error, and hours spent looking into all the options, and I have successfully found multiple ways to consistently read my Bible. Thank you, God! This breakthrough has been life changing. This is why the Toolbox mini series has come to be! To kick off this mini series, we’re starting at the beginning: 5 Elements to a Consistent Bible Study. Let’s dive in!

Set a Goal

Have you ever thought that reading your Bible could be a goal of yours? Good news! The first key element to having a consistent Bible study is to have a goal in mind. As you may already know, goals look different throughout seasons of life. Find a way to have a solid stretch goal that gets you out of your comfort zone, and is still reasonably attainable.

As we grow our relationship with the Lord, reading our Bibles become part of the lifestyle. As you begin to set yourself up for success by setting a goal, know that the longterm result is to be a consistent reader of the Word. We’ve mentioned SMART goals on the podcast before, so let’s use this acronym as an example for today. A SMART goal is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Here’s our example:

  • Specific: Read the Bible in a year using The Bible Recap
  • Measurable: Use the daily tracker from the Bible Recap site
  • Achievable: 20 minutes a day using their plan
  • Relevant: Reading plan + podcast recap episodes
  • Time-bound: one year

Reading your Bible in a year can sound like a huge undertaking, but through the SMART acronym, we can see that it only takes 20 minutes a day. Let’s face it, if we swap our social media time for Bible time, we could probably read the Bible at least three times in a year…maybe more (speaking to myself). When we set a clear goal, and break it down in simple terms, we are more likely to show up, stay focused, and challenge ourselves in a way that grows us. Take some time to pause and reflect on a good, SMART goal for your Bible study time.

Choose a Bible Study Path

Now that we’ve set our goal, let’s take a moment to think through a plan we want to use. In a day when we have access to so many Bible study options, choosing a plan that works for you can be overwhelming. Don’t overcomplicate this. You can simply, open the Bible and begin reading; you don’t have to have some fancy plan. God designed the Bible in a way that you don’t have to be a theological genius to understand what God is saying through His word.

If you’re brand new to the Bible, yay you! We all start somewhere, so don’t get caught up in the comparison trap. Start, and go at your own pace. If you want a point in the right direction, here are a couple of places you can start:

  • Genesis: The beginning of the Bible, filled with exciting stories
  • Matthew: A documentary style Gospel that tells the story of Jesus
  • Ephesians: It’s an overarching synopsis of the Gospel and how to live it out

Remember, when you open your Bible and begin reading, it sets you up to hear from God in a way that you may not have experienced before. Any time we read God’s word, we are doing kingdom work that won’t return void. Keep at it, and challenge yourself with a Bible study plan that’s a good fit for you in this life phase.

This is why I also created a podcast episode within in this Toolbox mini series that gives you my top, newly released Bible studies. Bonus: there’s an additional podcast episode and blog post discussing my four favorite apps that will help you understand the Bible better. Spend some time looking at plans through the lens of your SMART goal. Again, if you don’t find one that is jumping out at you, my recommendation would be Genesis, Matthew, and Ephesians.

Plan a Time

It may sound simple, and that’s because it is. Just set a a time and be consistent. Brainstorm times throughout your day when you have a few minutes here and there. I’m in a season of life where I am constantly in the car. With school pick up and drop off, practices, and errands, the car has become my home away from home. After making this connection, I began keeping my Bible study materials in the front passenger seat. Anytime that the car is in park, it signals my brain that I have a moment to crack open my Bible and connect with the Lord.

I have several friends who wake up early and have all their Bible study tools in a designated space in their house. When they wake up and head to that area, their brain is signaled to be prepared to hear from God through His word. Several years ago, I was in a season where I commuted big part of my day. This is when I turned to Daily Audio Bible, and began consuming God’s word through my ears. The point is, there are a ton of right ways to read your Bible. Take some time to think through the following on what works best for you:

  • Time of day
  • Location
  • Supplies needed

Create Accountability

By now, you’ve had a chance to think about your goal, your path, and your plan. Now it’s time to put those pieces together, and back it up with our fourth key element: accountability. Don’t let that word intimidate you! If you’re like me, you may have grown up with the term “accountability partner”, and it may have been painted in a light that made you feel…blah. Accountability doesn’t have to be boring, intense, or blah. It can be simple and fun if that’s what you’re into.

Accountability can be as simple as an alert, alarm, or reminder on your phone. Hooray smart phones and all the good apps! It can also look like once a week gatherings with your Christian friends to discuss what you’re learning that week. If you’re looking for more structure, ask your local church if they have a bible study group. Our church has done a phenomenal job in this department, and I absolutely love our weekly Bible study sessions (we have online options too, so check it out!).

Whether you have accountability through friends, Bible study sessions, alarm clocks on your phone, or a combination of it all, find a way that works for you, and make a commitment to stick with it. Nothing is wrong with trial and error too, so if something doesn’t work for your brain, lifestyle, or season, switch it up. Revisit what you’ve tried in the past to see if it works later on in life.

Give Yourself Grace

The fifth and final element of having a consistent Bible study: grace. Wait, grace? What do you mean? Glad you asked. No matter how determined or disciplined you are, know that some days, you just miss the mark with Bible study. Maybe you went on vacation, got married, had a baby, or are sick. Nobody bats 1,000 in this department because…we’re humans. This is where grace comes into the picture.

Fact: the devil does NOT want you reading your Bible. He’s going to distract you and then try to make you feel shame for “screwing it up”. Well, good news, friend. You get to try again. And again. And again. Just keep showing up. If you’re behind on your goal, just keep moving forward. Extend yourself grace, breathe deeply knowing God loves you no matter what, and try again.

I wasted too much time beating myself up over missing a day or two…or ten, and I would just give up. I fell into the shame spiral trap that the devil had set. But now, I can shut that toxic thinking down, extend myself grace, and show up again. God just wants to spend time with us, and He has given us a way to learn and grow in Him. Learn to give grace, and get back on that metaphorical bike.

That wraps up my 5 elements to a consistent Bible study. A quick recap of the key elements:

  • Set a goal
  • Choose a Bible study path
  • Plan a time
  • Create accountability
  • Give yourself grace

By using these 5 elements to a consistent Bible study, you can set yourself up for success and regularly read God’s word. Trust the process, stick with it, and I promise you, you’ll notice a huge difference over time. Before you know it, you’ll be remembering Bible stories, soaking in wisdom, and dare I say, quote scripture. Check out the rest of the Toolbox mini series (blog posts and episodes 291-295) to see more tips for Bible study.

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Christian Podcasters & Bloggers

Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.

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