
Everything is Figureoutable: Episode 47, Chapter 9

Brooke & Faren, continue the mini series on how all things are possible! In episode 47, we discuss the importance of having the mindset of “refuse to be refused”. We give you truths, tips, & tactics on how to do all of this. Join us in chapter 9 as we continue with “Everything is Figureoutable” by Marie Forleo.


If you are trying to thrive in life, adversity will strike at some point. So, the question is, what are you going to do when you hit the wall? In this episode, we’ll break down practical & actionable steps to help you press on.

“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 3:14

Not all Criticism is Created Equally

Let’s face it, at some point we will all face criticism. The great part about this is we can gain some really great growth if we know how to weed out the good from the bad. By that we mean, not everyone is in your arena.

Remember back to our Daring Greatly Mini Series? It is vital that you pay attention to those who are along side you in your arena. They’ve got your back and truly want you to succeed and grow. This brings us to the next truth here: you will get criticism from people outside of your arena too.

Here’s the great part! You do NOT have to pay attention to the guy who bought the seats in the 300 level to your life. You get to pay attention to the ones who are in your circle, guiding you and supporting you. Again, it all comes back to motivation (hello, Enneagram Mini Series!). Be careful of the people you let into your circle.

Take it With a Grain of Salt

That’s another way of saying: take what works and leave the rest. Not all of the criticism or guidance you receive may work for you (maybe in a perfect world scenario…please let us know where that place exists. HA!).

Learn to understand the difference between genuine concern and pushing your to grow verses trying to stop you from reaching your goals. Place boundaries around your arena that are helpful and fully align with God’s plan for you (so consult the big guy constantly!).

Remember, everything you ever do is being judged. Keep this in perspective: you could be the most amazing piece of chocolate, and someone out there just doesn’t like to eat chocolate. It can consume you if you keep trying to please everyone; you are not pizza. Maintain perspective.

Serve a Bigger Purpose

Bottom line, if you are aligned with what God has called you to do, you will most certainly get push back. Remember your why, your higher calling, and the passion that drives you. Get your arena prepped and ready to rally when the enemy tries to put your plans on hold.

Here are some final thoughts to ponder as you face criticism or times when you must decide to refuse to be refused:

  • What is your “why”?
  • What’s a time you refused to be refused and pressed on through criticism?
  • How did you get around the limitation/criticism?
  • What are positive results that could happen if you push through tough times?
Will Smith Treadmill Motivation

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Written by Brooke in May 5, 2020
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Christian Podcasters & Bloggers

Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.