
Grit Mini Series: Episode 23, Betty Interview


In this Witty & Gritty Podcast interview session with Betty, we discuss what it’s like to get gritty in the workplace. From classroom to courtroom, Betty dives deep on what it’s like to raise kids and a career at the same time. You go, girl!

Shortcuts Don’t Work

Early on, Betty learned that shortcuts JUST DON’T WORK. Best advice? Stop being stubborn and just do the work. By the time a shortcut has been created and utilized, the short term “victories” fall short of any long term prosperity. She worked diligently on reading and piano playing over the course of her younger years. The intentional practice helped her years later.

Betty was able to leverage childhood hobbies into vital study strategies as a law student. Her long term, deliberate practice of reading gave her joy in the challenge of something as challenging as law. PRO TIP: If you’re a law student, learn to love reading!

The Power of a Good Mentor

It is so important to have a role model who has gone before you, who can speak life into you, and who can guide you in the right direction. Betty had a few people in her life who did just that. PRO TIP: Have someone in your life who can help you develop your passions and giftings while challenging you.

Focus on Truths

In moments that require some extra grit, think on your truths and what you know about yourself. What have you overcome in the past? Where are your previous victories? Keep up that positive, confident self-talk.

We know that having higher expectations create higher achievers. Set your standards, and follow the cycle of: attempt, fail, feedback, learn, try again differently. The only way to overcome is to keep moving forward.

Stay tuned for our next interview with Keith! He discusses parenting with grit and how to get involved in an effective way.

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