
The Impact of Screen Time

In episode 109, “The Impact of Screen Time”, we bring in expert Lindsay Paris to discuss the effects that too much screen time can have not only for us, but for our children. Hear us when we say, this is not meant to alarm you, bring about guilt, or make you feel negative in any way. Our job at Witty & Gritty is to bring you the facts that we learn, and let you decide what’s best for you and your family in this life phase.


Lindsay Paris is the Community Liaison for the Read, Play, Talk Program in Mesquite ISD. Read, Play, Talk is an early literacy initiative that has been created and developed by Mesquite Independent School District. The goal is to get parents to read, play, and talk with their children every day so that they can be prepared for when it’s time for kindergarten. They work through schools and community support and Lindsay handles so much of what the program does. We’ve attached links at the bottom of this post so you can learn more.

The Negative Effects of Screen Time

We’re going to reiterate that this is a safe space and we are not shaming, blaming, or guilt tripping anyone. Our job is to find experts and deliver information to you, and YOU get to choose what’s best for you and your family. Do what makes you a sane parent and what keeps your children safe and thriving.

As we know and have witnessed, there are negative effects of too much screen time. We’ve all seen video clips of the extreme cases, but what about what’s going on right under our noses (literally)? Research shows that kids (and adults) who are addicted to screen time can exhibit the following:

  • Develops addiction habits/withdrawals
  • Increase in childhood obesity, sedentary lifestyle
  • Behavioral problems
  • Increased sleep problems
  • Increased in violence
  • Developmental delays, brain fog

When you give your child access to a screen, you’re increasing the odds that they will exhibit some, if not all, of these behaviors. Is it worth it? Can you find a way to reduce or eliminate the use of screen time in your children? Tune into episode 109, because we will give you several ways to help with this transition. Remember, it is worth helping your child in the long run.

How to Replace Screen Time

As humans, we are all innately designed to long for connection and grow deeper relationships. Research has shown that kids are hardwired to specifically connect with their primary caregivers. Your child may not be able to verbalize this need, but please know that it’s there. Take some time to intentionally play with your kids each day.

Below is a list of ways that you can replace screen time with other ways to play. This transition will be a change for all parties involved, so be prepared to practice patience and extend plenty of grace.

  • Be intentional
  • Read aloud session
  • Outdoor games
  • Encourage creativity
  • Coloring
  • Family games

As you can see, the list goes on. Remember to choose activities that work for you in this life phase. You can even grab a mom friend or two and plan activities together. Have a trusted friend help keep you accountable. There will be good and bad days, but know that there is a reason the research says what it says about the impact of screen time.

Additional Tips

We know that this transition can seem awkward and clunky, especially if you haven’t ever tried some of these things. Make this a teachable moment and show your children that there are other ways to be entertained. It will take sacrifice, shifts in your routine, and consistency.

  • Put your devices down until kids go to bed
  • Extend grace to yourself and others
  • You are the parent, you make the rules
  • It’s not too late, you will not regret it

We hope you enjoyed episode 109, “The Impact of Screen Time”, and that you have practical, actionable steps you can take. Be sure to check out this entire Atomic Habits mini series about an easy & proven way to build good routines & break bad ones. You can do this! We’re here to help. Click the affiliate image below to get your copy of Atomic Habits.

Here is a link to get a copy of Glow Kids (affiliate)

Links From the Show

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