
How to Be Spiritually Strong

In episode 127, “How to Be Spiritually Strong”, we talk about five ways to become spiritually strong. Rocky Hernandez joins us to talk about what being spiritually strong looks like in everyday life. We are in the interview portion of our book study mini series over Amy Morin’s 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do. Learn how to take back your power, embrace change, face your fears, and train your brain for happiness and success.


Rocky Hernandez is the online campus pastor for Community Life Church. He uses God’s wisdom to leverage his experiences to further the kingdom. Getting to interview Rocky was wonderful and we pray that you grab some wisdom from his five key points to implement today. Rocky works with this definition of being spiritually strong: spiritual strength is the fortitude to live your life in alignment with something greater (God).

Refuse to Glorify the Past

Spiritually strong Christians refuse to glorify their past because the present is too hard, difficult, or different than what was expected. It can be so easy to slip into the trap of “That’s not how I thought it would go.”, or “It’s not supposed to be this way.” Rocky gives tips on how to be spiritually strong by:

  • Being present in the moment
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Choosing to not stay stuck

We have to constantly choose to refuse to stay stuck in the past. That doesn’t help us press on toward our higher calling God has placed on us. Don’t use the past as negative evidence as to why you cannot do something you’re being called to do. Remember that God equips those whom He calls. He’s given you everything you need to move in an upward trajectory. You just have to say yes.

“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 3:14

Don’t Make Excuses When Confronted

Confrontation isn’t always easy (never easy for Enneagram 9s!), but when the need arises, it’s important to not jump into defending yourself right away. This can be so challenging for those who feel they’ve done nothing wrong, or don’t yet see their error. Yikes!

Yes, there is a time and a place for helping someone see your side, but there are times when your fellow brother or sister in Christ needs to bring matters to your attention. Rocky talks about how there will be moments when you’ve hurt someone, and he gives great advice on how to handle that situation. Be sure to listen to episode 127 by scrolling up and pressing play.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Luke 10:27

Jesus Christ died for us because we are imperfect, so we need to rely on the grace of God to navigate indifferences and mistakes. Relying on ourselves and not God leaves us thinking about this confrontation later. It takes a toll when we unproductively dwell and let it occupy mental real estate. Stay committed to aligning yourself with God and leaning into his grace when we stumble.

Don’t View the Lost as Enemies

This can be sneaky if it goes unchecked. It can be easy to view someone who is an unbeliever as the enemy, but God loves them too and they’re made in His image. Satan is the one who is trying to convince us otherwise. This even applies to those who are believers who are not as far along in their faith journey as you are. Make sure you’re keeping your thoughts and heart aligned with how God views those people.

Our goal is not to hate them, but to love them and coach them spiritually. Sometimes that means sharing the gospel, but that can also mean imparting wisdom, love, service, and living out God’s truths. Especially if someone is going through a rough time.

“If you’re struggling, you probably feel really alone, and that’s a lie. You’re not alone, you have people ready and willing to help”

Rocky Hernandez

You have a God who loves you and has put people around you who are ready and willing to step up and help you in your time of need. All you have to do is be brave and ask for it. Rocky talks about how to begin to find freedom, the most difficult lesson to learn is to let go of expectation. No one ever promised life would be easy. He gives solid advice on what that can look like, and how we can press on toward becoming more spiritually strong.

Focus on Bearing Good Fruit

Rocky gives another tip on how to be spiritually strong, and that is to focus on the fruit that you are bearing rather than keeping up with the appearances. Hint: don’t look at the things you’re doing as more important than the fruits that come from your actions. Christ says you will know them by their fruit (Matthew 7:15-20), and that reveals what you’ve been focusing on. What is your life producing?

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

Galatians 5:22-23

Hard truth: you cannot fake fruit. That’s all a part of the whole “you reap what you sew” bit. If we can pause, reflect, and take note of how we can bear good fruit, we will have a better mindset moving forward. If you are struggling in a particular area, that’s a great time to ask God for help. Reflecting on the verse in Galatians often will help keep the fruits of the spirit top of mind. Again, it’s important to remember that we’re not perfect, we need to live under the grace of God.

When you live under the grace of God, your life starts producing fruits of the spirit.”

Rocky Hernandez

Trust God

Are you the person who says you trust God, but when the storm comes, you forget to do just that? We are ALL guilty of this, so you’re in good company. The goal is to not stay stuck. We know that on this side of heaven we will have trials (John 16:33), but we forget to rad the whole verse sometimes:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

God is bigger, stronger, and more powerful than any trial we will experience on Earth. He is the conquerer, the hero, the one who has overcome. Trust in that. Know that anything negative we go through is part of the refining process that helps us grow closer to God. Trust that God has a purpose, plan, and vision for you. Don’t be fearful to lean into that, accept that and thrive in this promise.

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'”

Jeremiah 29:11

We hope you enjoyed “How to Be Spiritually Strong”, and that you have practical, actionable steps you can take. Be sure to check out this entire 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do mini series (13 Things mini series) about a simple & proven way to become more mentally tough. You can do this! We’re here to help. Click the affiliate image below to get your copy of Amy Morin’s book.

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