
How to Think Like Jesus

In episode 88, “How to Think Like Jesus”, we discuss chapters 15 & 16 in Jennie Allen’s book, “Get Out Of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts.” Once we cross the line of faith, our sanctification process encompasses becoming more Christlike. This includes our thought life.


Repeat God’s Truths

When we talk about capturing thoughts, we always follow up with comparing the thoughts to the truth, the Bible. There are some Christians who absolutely love to read and study the Bible, but that’s not always the case. You are not alone if you have a hard time reading your Bible (consistently or otherwise). In fact, we have the perfect episode for you! In our interview with Tara-Leigh Cobble, she goes in depth on why she created The Bible Recap.

There is a brilliant section in Jennie Allen’s book that has a list of Bible verses. These are a quick way to reference, learn, and memorize some of God’s promises. Our best advice? Find a Bible plan that works for you in this season of life. Grab a friend and intentionally talk about it.

Trust Your Training

Once you’ve developed a sense of the Bible and have began to navigate through a Bible plan, you’re already onto your training! There’s something in the Christian faith called sanctification, which is just a fancy way to say “becoming more Christlike.” Think of your sanctification process as training. The more you train and apply that wisdom, the more Christlike you’ll become.

You wouldn’t just go run a marathon and be successful, right? Same goes with looking more like Jesus. The more you train for a marathon, the better you’ll become at marathons. The more you develop your relationship with Jesus (prayer, worship, reading the Bible, etc…), the more Christlike you’ll become.

Perspective and Leverage

Now that you’re repeating God’s truths and consistently training, you’ll be able to better leverage your experiences by gaining a more heavenly perspective. On this side of life, we will go through challenges, or a tad more gloomy, tribulations. The good news? God makes beauty from ashes.

We have the choice to leverage the ugly parts of life into something that points others to Jesus. If you’ve gone through a trauma and come out the other side, guess what? Now you have a roadmap. You can leverage your life experience (tribulation) and help others gain perspective (roadmap).

If you were stuck, wouldn’t you want to be shown the way out? You can be that person for someone! **Remember to practice healthy boundaries and healthy vulnerability here.

We hope you enjoyed “How to Think Like Jesus”, and that you have practical, actionable steps you can take. Be sure to check out episodes 84-91 to hear this entire mini series on how to stop toxic thoughts from spiraling out of control. You can do this! We’re here to help.

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Written by Brooke in January 25, 2021
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Christian Podcasters & Bloggers

Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.