
Do All Things Through Christ

In episode 203, “Do All Things Through Christ”, Brooke & Faren discuss the meaning of Philippians 4:13 in the Bible. Hear what Paul says to the Philippians about how we can do anything through the power of Christ. We use our © Read Pray Talk Tell Method to discover ways we can practically live this scripture out in everyday life. The Philippians mini series begins on episode 199 and goes through episode 203 of the Witty & Gritty podcast.


Read in Context

Philippians 4:13 is a classic verse that gets quoted a ton. Unfortunately, sometimes this verse gets taken out of context, or the message gets skewed with partial truths. Yes, we’re talking about the phrase “You can be anything you want to be.” This is not what the Bible teaches, but we do want to focus on the fact that you can be everything that God wants you to be. If you’ve been playing along at home, you homework is to read through Philippians chapters 1-4, so if you haven’t done that yet, no worries! Read and then come back to this page.

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.

Philippians 4:13

Remember to read through the whole verse in context. We’re not finding strength from within our human ability, but rather through Christ. Thank God for that! As Paul writes from prison, inner strength from Christ is what is getting him through the rough days. If you know Paul’s story, that’s a lot of his days.

Finding contentment no matter the circumstance is vital for finding joy on this side of Heaven. When we look at the context in which this letter was written, we can take a step back, breathe deeply, and know that God will give us strength.

Pray Over Your Path

Praying Philippians 4:13 over your life is an excellent idea, especially when it’s coupled with asking God to guide you. Whether it’s a leap of faith with your profession, life changes with family, or an ugly diagnosis, keep God in it and pray this verse. Ask God to align your desires to His so that you can see the next step ahead. If you’re aligned, you can do all things through Christ.

Yes, please pray this verse over the little things too. In this part of the episode we talk about how we’ve prayed this verse to just make it through the day. Whether it’s a season of depression, or the sleepless newborn phase, ask God to give you that strength to do the things He has called you to do.

Ask for that supernatural energy and strength. When you hear yourself say or think, “I can’t do this.” remember that you’re in good company and we have a God who is able. This can be anything from major healing to needing an attitude adjustment. Simply pray.

Talk About the Kingdom

The power of a strong Christian community is unstoppable when it comes to God’s work. Our job on Earth is to further the kingdom, and each person in your crew has giftings and talents that can be leveraged for the glory of God. This can look like careers, raising babies, serving others, etc… Talk to God about how your team can point others to God through your strengths.

Sometimes furthering the kingdom can look like helping your inner circle out when they need it the most and vice versa. Spur each other on through all season of life and know that God is able and will give you the strength to do anything He has planned for you. What a great promise to be able to do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

If you’re still feeling stuck, take some time to reflect on all the times you’ve been able to do something because God equipped and strengthen you. This reflection time can be useful to do as a group too. Once everyone has a mental (or physical) list of these moments, it can be reflected upon again to encourage you to step forward in faith.

In this part of episode 203, “Do All Things Through Christ”, we talk about preparation and appropriate responses when someone you love is feeling discouraged in this particular realm. Encourage prayer, reflection, and meaningful conversations. Join us on the episode to hear specifics and examples of these encounters.

Tell Your Kids God is Able

Look back at the previous section where we talked about reflection. The list you have made about how you can do all things through Christ can be used as examples for your kids. They may not have these memories yet, but you can use your examples along with those from the Bible to start conversations with your children.

Let’s tell our kids that our God is able, and have the proof to back it up. , This will challenge them to look for times they see God on the move. In this part of the episode, we encourage you to develop dialogue that reminds kids that they are able because of God.

When this part of spiritual growth is neglected it can lead to looking for strength in the wrong places. We don’t have to imagine for long to think of places kids can seek validation, toxic encouragement, and find strength from worldly things. Continuing those spiritual conversations will strengthen the both of you. We go over several examples in the episode, so be sure to scroll back up and press play. Pray over your children, their minds, and where they should be drawing their strength.

We hope you enjoyed episode 203, “Do All Things Through Christ”, through our © Read Pray Talk Tell Method. Now it’s up to you to work through the Bible chapter discussed, pray about this verse using the prompts given, have biblical community around this verse, and go point others to Christ with the tips we give. Remember, when you read, pray, talk, tell consistently, you’ll grow your faith in God more deeply. Tune in next week to hear another breakdown of a Bible verse!

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.