
How to Make Good Habits Easy

In episode 106, “How to Make Good Habits Easy”, we discuss Clear’s third law: Make it Easy. We tell you what you can do to make positive habits effortless, simple, and fit into your life. We continue our book study mini series over James Clear’s Atomic Habits. Learn how to start good habits and get rid of bad ones in these episodes. We discuss how small changes will make big impacts on how we live our lives.


Make It Easy

It’s time to stop dreaming and start doing. This is where many people get stuck; they never actually start! We can plan all we want, but if we don’t get into motion, our new habit won’t stick. Once you get the habit formed, it can become automated. Automation of habits is what we see happening with others that makes us think, “Wow, they make that look so easy.”, or “They are so talented.” We have to keep in mind that no one just happens to be an expert at something. It takes time, dedication, and deliberate practice. To hear more about deliberate practice and what that looks like, check out our Grit Mini Series.

Front loading all of this habit building will pay off dividends once you’ve got the hang of it. Remember that the beginning can be bumpy and not the most fun (hello, dieting). Walk slowly, never backwards. It helps to tie all of your habit building back to your why. The more repetition of the habit (doing it every day), the more quickly the habit will stick. Studies show that the people who are willing to put in the hard work will be the ones who are able to stick with the habit. We give several examples on how this can look in your life in episode 106.

The Law of Least Effort

Clear talks about friction and what that can do for creating or breaking habits. If you’re wanting to create a habit, the goal is to make it as easy as possible for you. If it’s eating healthy lunches during the week, meal prepping lunches on a Sunday afternoon may be the way you reduce friction on your weekday mornings. You don’t have to worry about what you’re eating for lunch; it’s already prepared.

Our brains have something called the Default Mode Network (the DMN). Its job is to do what is easy and already a habit. It’s what you automatically default to when you’re not actively trying to do something different. If you’re used to going home after work and watching a show, your DMN will already be preparing your body for this on your drive home. To hear more about the Default Mode Network and how to make your brain work in your favor, check out our Switch On Your Brain Mini Series.

To help you with creating a habit, use the 2 minute rule that we discuss in episode 106. Clear gives the advice of whatever new habit you want to do, break it down into the smallest part. The smallest part needs to take a maximum time of two minutes to complete. If you’re wanting to become a runner, your first step in habit building is put your running shoes on your feet. This will take about two minutes. Once this step has been automated, add the next step, and so on. Remember, these are the first simple steps on how to make good habits easy.

Make It Difficult

We love that in “Atomic Habits” James gives the “how to break the bad habit” steps. Instead of making the good habit easy, you make the bad habit difficult to do. If binging Netflix every night is something you’re trying to drop, try unplugging your TV after each use. It’s a small step that will help make your bad habit more difficult to get to. Add in the friction on your bad habits, so that you would rather do something else (like to to bed at a decent hour every night).

You can use technology as your ally to help set parameters. Set different alarms for the tasks you’re needing to do (or to remind you to breathe, stand up, move, etc…). At Witty & Gritty we speak a lot on the power of a healthy community. Get yourself plugged into your local church, book study, mom groups, etc… Amazing growth can come from a heathy, positive vulnerability. If you want to learn how to leverage vulnerability, check out our Daring Greatly Mini Series.

We hope you enjoyed “How to Make Good Habits Easy”, and that you have practical, actionable steps you can take. Be sure to check out this entire Atomic Habits mini series about an easy & proven way to build good habits & break bad ones. You can do this! We’re here to help. Click the affiliate image below to get your copy of Atomic Habits.

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