
Actions That Hold You Back

In episode 93, “Actions That Hold You Back”, we discuss chapters 7-9 in Bob Goff’s book, “Dream Big: Know What You Want, Why You Want It, and What You’re Going to Do About It.” We discuss the actions that often hold people back from realizing their dreams.


Compartmentalizing Trap

The great fact about Jesus is that He loves to be involved in all parts of our lives. We talk about Bob’s analogy of cleaning out your “room” and then put back the parts of life you must have. Hint: add Jesus first! Get God in on your marriage, raising kids, your work life, everything. We dive deeper into this exercise on the episode, so be sure to check it out!

At Witty & Gritty, we are die hard journaling fans. This is a great time to get out your pen and paper and jot down all the things that occupy your time (mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually). You may surprise yourself on where all your time is going. Then, check to see how much you’re involving God in each of those departments.

Controlled By The Past

There are instances where we can feel held back due to a past circumstance or experience. We may be facing crippling shame or feel under qualified for what we know God is calling us to do. We must remember that God equips us and will guide us according to His plan. This is why we need to tune into what the Holy Spirit is saying and be obedient to the call.

You are not stuck. You may be in a unique situation where you have to wait on God’s timing or you have a commitment that you need to fulfill first. Whatever the situation, in this waiting period, it’s vital that you are active in soaking in all the learning opportunities. You will be able to leverage your experiences to grow the kingdom. We may not always know why certain things happen, but we must step out in faith and trust His plan.

Unhelpful Routines

It’s easy to slip into a routine that isn’t maximizing your time, skills, nor relationships. This can look many ways (numbing, comfort, taking the easy way, etc…), so it’s important to consistently have check ins with yourself and those around you. These unproductive routines may have snuck their way in, but the great news is that we can make adjustments and mindset shifts in order to fine tune this area.

Think about your start to finish average day. What is unproductive or could be tweaked so it could be moving the needle in the right direction towards your ambitions? What’s stressing you out, what’s sucking the life out of you? This is your chance to step into this opportunity to make the uncomfortable change of growing towards your goals.

Have a mindset shift and think about the bigger picture and your why. This is a choice. You have the opportunity to maximize your time while making others feel seen. Identify what is unhelpful and take the actions that will get you closer to achieving your ambitions. You can get a better idea of where you’re going by doing the following (in no particular order, these are great ideas to get you going):

  • Getting still with God
  • Praying
  • Meditating
  • Journaling
  • Resting
  • Finding energy
  • Tune into your body

We hope you enjoyed “Actions That Hold You Back”, and that you have practical, actionable steps you can take. Be sure to check out this entire Dream Big mini series on knowing what you want, why you want it, and what you’re going to do about it. You can do this! We’re here to help.

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.