
Get Habits from Good to Great

In episode 108, “Get Habits from Good to Great”, we discuss practical tactics on how to get to the next level of greatness when it comes to habit building. If you’ve plateaued or are looking for a challenge, this is the episode for you! We continue our book study mini series over James Clear’s Atomic Habits. Learn how to start good routines and get rid of bad ones in these episodes. We discuss how small changes will make big impacts on how we live our lives.


Align Habits with Giftings

Now that you have worked your way through the mini series episodes (starting on episode 103) you know how to identify your good and bad habits. You even know the steps on how to do this! There is a point in the mini series we mention that each action you do is a vote for the type of person that you are becoming. This all ties back into who you are and who you want to become.

As believers, on this side of heaven we are in the sanctification process. This means that our goal in what we strive for is becoming more Christlike every day, in all our actions. What do your goals and habits say about you and how you’re reflecting Jesus? Do a quick habit audit to see if your actions are helping you either become more like Christ, or not. Hint: There is no in between.

Christians, God equips you with unique passions and giftings that will further the kingdom. Harness those and leverage it to glorify God. Not sure what gifts God has given you? This freebie will help you find out (FREE Giftings & Passions Finder). Make sure your passions, giftings, and habits are all pointing back to God. We go over how this can look in episode 108, so make sure you tune in!

Set Up For Success

Remember how to make S.M.A.R.T. goals? For a refresher on that, check out episode 95 where we dive into how to do that. Setting yourself up for success is vital when it comes to creating good habits. When it comes to goal setting, it’s wise to make sure that it’s challenging and attainable through hard work. There will be days that you find yourself unmotivated, so what type of person will you be when that moment happens? Will you be the type to give up or to press on through the tough stuff? You have the power to choose.

Want to know the difference between people who reach their goals and those who don’t? Grit is the difference. The ones who face adversity and stick with it are the ones who are more likely to reach their goals. Remember, you will face challenges, but what are you going to do about it? Be encouraged through this podcast and our community on Instagram. Surround yourself with an upward trajectory mindset, wise counsel, and deliberate practice. The link below point you to further tips and insight on how to do all of this. Check it out below!

We hope you enjoyed “Get Habits from Good to Great”, and that you have practical, actionable steps you can take. Be sure to check out this entire Atomic Habits mini series about an easy & proven way to build good routines & break bad ones. You can do this! We’re here to help. Click the affiliate image below to get your copy of Atomic Habits.

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.