
What is Advent?

What is advent? How does it play a role to Christians? With Christmas season here, we’ve interviewed Amy Roseberry, a children’s ministry coordinator at Community Life Church. In episode 130, Amy answers all our questions and gives resources to get you started on using an advent calendar this Christmas season.


What is Advent?

Let’s first start off by saying that Jesus is the reason for the season. It may sound cliche, but in the Christian holidays, the birth of Jesus Christ is a massive deal. You may have heard of advent calendars from our previous episodes (Christmas Character Gift Guides part 1 and part 2), or when you’re cruising Target during this time of year. Either way, an advent calendar can help bring you and others closer to Christ this holiday season.

“…that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Philippians 2:10-11

In episode 130, we interview Amy on all things advent, and she gives us all the details from where advent originated from to why it’s still important today. Advent is used for preparing for something; in this case, the birth of Jesus and His second coming. It is designed to keep us focused on Jesus and intentional with our time. Bonus: the calendar is served as a daily reminder of why we’re counting down. This may be new information, so be sure to tune into the episode (just scroll up!) to hear all the details and full explanation.

The first two Sundays are focused on Jesus Christ returning to save His followers, while the second two Sundays are focused on the birth of Jesus Christ. God’s work is not finished, and we’re living in between Jesus’ birth, and His second coming. God wants everyone to know who He is, that He loves them, and that He has created them for a purpose.

“However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.”

Matthew 24:36

Advent Calendar Tips

In episode 130, you’ll hear pro tips on how to best utilize an advent calendar in your phase of life. We talk about having a plan, keeping it simple, and aligning it with your daily and weekly flow of life. Being intentional is a point we drive home because we know the value of what it can do in your life and the lives of others.

Make talking about Jesus a habit. You don’t have to overcomplicate it or stress about it. An advent calendar is a great way to get started and begin to integrate it into your everyday life. The Bible tells us to talk about God “while we’re going”, which means throughout all parts of our lives. Still hesitating? In episode 130, we talk about imposter syndrome and other hurdles you feel like you need to jump over in order to spread the love of Jesus Christ.

If you’re wondering about simple ways to make habits out of growing your faith, be sure to check out these specific episodes:

Not Experienced? No Problem!

So, what’s holding you back from starting advent? You don’t have to know all of the answers, especially when you have kids or friends asking questions about what advent is, who Jesus is, and what’s the big deal? Remember this: It’s okay to say “I don’t know”, but it’s not okay to not follow up. It’s up to us to do our research, read our Bibles, ask trusted resources, and get back with the person who had a question.

Friendly reminder that the devil doesn’t want us witnessing to our children, our friends, or coworkers. He wants nothing more than to destroy our lives. If you are struggling with a confidence issue or feel incompetent, don’t let the enemy win! Use the resources provided at the bottom of these show notes. We’ve even linked Amy’s email so you can ask her any and all questions. You can do this! We’ve got your back.

We hope you enjoyed episode 130, “What is Advent?” and feel better equipped to take the first steps on walking through your advent calendar. If you’re reading this, you have someone in your life who could benefit from using an advent calendar this Christmas season. Send them these show notes and text them the link to the episode. Have fun and just jump in! You won’t regret it.

Links From the Show

CLife Church Resources

Below is the link to the PDF Advent calendar used by Community Life Church this Christmas season. Please feel free to download and share with friends! You’ll also find videos below that walk you through each week.

Christian Podcasters & Bloggers

Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.