
Switch On Your Brain: Episode 57, Chapters 5-8

Brooke & Faren continue the mini series about the brain and unlocking the key to peak happiness, thinking, & health. In Switch On Your Brain episode 57, chapters 5-8, we talk about rest, multitasking, & the science behind it. Join us as we discuss chapters 5-8 in “Switch On Your Brain” by Dr. Caroline Leaf.


It’s scientifically proven that we typically need more rest and less multitasking. In this episode, we dive into what is directed rest, how multitasking is unproductive, and the science and Biblical text that backs all of this.

Directed Rest

Both scripture and science state that we need rest. Yes, sleep, but also time of self-reflection, capturing thoughts, memorizing scripture, introspection etc…

“Be still, and know that I am God”

Psalm 46:10
  • Directed Rest= intentional, focused conscious thinking
  • Asleep= the brain does filing & sorting from the the day’s events

Dr. Caroline Leaf goes on to talk about the Default Mode Network (DMN) and the Task Positive Network (TPN). The two go hand and hand an one precedes the other.

  • DMN: you natural line of thinking, your default path, happens in the nonconscious
  • TPN: the action that comes from the DMN. If you DMN is naturally operating one way, the actions you take follow suit.

In the episode, we break down how you can better train your DMN so that you don’t regret what the TPN does. Have you ever blurted something out or done something on a whim that you later regret? Keep your DMN aligned with Christ and that will make your actions follow suit.

Multitasking is a Myth

As much as we wish we could truly multitask, the reality is that our brains cannot function in this manner. Neuroscience has caught up with the Bible and shows us that we cannot do more than one thing at a time in our conscious. Deep, focused attention outperforms the stop/start or multitasking.

This back to our Grit Mini Series, you must goes through this process in order to be able to do something unconsciously:

  • unconscious incompetence
  • conscious incompetence
  • conscious competence
  • unconscious competence

Again, we dive into this and how to accomplish unconscious competence in our Grit Mini Series. Be sure to download episodes 19-25 to learn more. We dive into what multitasking can look like and what you can do instead to be able to accomplish more tasks more effectively.

Thinking, God, & Quantum Physics

Don’t let the term “quantum physics” intimidate you. In this episode, we explain what it means, what it does, and how to leverage it to our advantage.

  • Quantum= energy
  • Physics= structure
  • Mechanics= equation or math that explains

Basically, science has once again, caught up with the Bible. We have the ability to think and choose positively or negatively, and that affects us on the subatomic level. Choosing to think positively over and over until it changes you subatomically is called the Quantum Zeno Effect (repetition until it sticks).

We give many practical, actionable tips in the episode, so be sure to hear what can work for you. Continue to take your thoughts captive, hold them up to what the Bible says, and keep what matches.

Thanks for joining us for our Switch On Your Brain episode 57, chapters 5-8, where we talk about rest, multitasking, & the science behind it. Stay tuned in next week to learn more and bring your friends!

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.

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