
Enneagram 8s, 9s, & 1s Body, Food, & People

We continue the mini series on “The Path Between Us” by Suzanne Stabile. In episode 70, “Enneagram 8s, 9s, & 1s Body, Food, & People”, we interview Whitney Russell Stabile on Enneagram 8s, 9s, & 1s and their relationships with food and body. We also throw in bonus tips on how to grow your relationships.


This is a three part interview that is broken up into the Enneagram triads: 8, 9, 1 (the gut triad), 2, 3, 4 (the heart triad), & 5, 6, 7 (the head triad). Whitney’s interview is so saturated with wisdom, we’ve chunked it into three, more digestable episodes (#70, #71, & #72).

Whitney Russell Stabile is the founder and owner of Brave Haven Counseling based in Richardson, Texas. She’s a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor (LPC-S) and Certified Eating Disorder Specialist-Supervisor (CEDS-S). Bonus: she’s our fellow Austin College Soccer teammate! Go Roos!

8s (The Challenger): Body, Food, & Relationships

Body & Food: The anger triad is also the body triad. 8s will feel physical sensations and become extremely activated by these sensations. They will feel a physical sensation, move it aside, and get the job done; whatever the task at hand currently is. The deflection of feelings (physically and emotionally) is what happens with an 8.

Relationship Tips: 8s nee to be sensitive and attuned to the presence of themselves in a space. This Enneagram type seems to fill the room with their personality, so providing space for others will help grow relationships. Those who know 8s need to understand that 8s respond better in conflict situations when feelings are managed by both parties (especially yours). 8s are very logical and task oriented, so they appreciate it when you bring that to the table too.

9s (The Peacemaker): Body, Food, & Relationships

Body & Food: 9s despise conflict, so it’s only natural that they hate physical sensations. Instead of deflecting feelings like the 8, 9s feel the sensation, repress it by either numbing or avoiding, and then get the task done. 9s need to be aware of numbing and the damage it can cause if it goes unchecked.

Relationship Tips: 9s have a hard time prioritizing, so planning and categorizing helps. 9s, allow yourselves to experience physical sensations. Doing this will give you more energy because you’re not having to stuff it down. Enneagram 9s are internally and externally boundaried, so the lack of energy can and should be revitalized. PRO TIP for friends of the 9s: Listen to a 9 when they state their preference. It takes hard work to speak up, so if an opinion is given, listen to it.

1s (The Perfectionist): Body, Food, & Relationships

Body & Food: 1s measure out expression because they want to be socially acceptable. The 8 deflects, the 9 represses, and the 1 conceals the feelings and sensations. Enneagram 1s will do their best to express what’s appropriate, but will eventually run out of steam. They won’t know they’ve exhausted themselves until it hits like a ton of bricks.

Relationship Tips: 1s have incredibly high standards for all parties involved, so they need to give others (along with themselves) a break. This is a deep struggle for 1s, so combat unattainably high standards by exercising self kindness, mindfulness, and common humanity (everybody makes mistakes). PRO TIP for people who loves 1s: When wanting to help, ask them “I would love to help you. Tell me exactly how you want it to be done.” When it comes to feedback, 1s will hear only the negative, so layer in the good as much as you can.

Thanks for listening to episode 70, “Enneagram 8s, 9s, & 1s Body, Food, & People” This is part one of three of the interview with Whitney Russell Stabile. Be sure to check out all three parts of this interview in episodes 70, 71, & 72.

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