
How to Take a Leap of Faith

In episode 176, “How to Take a Leap of Faith”, we talk about when God calls you to take a risky next step, and you need your faith to remain strong. We give you a step by step process that will help you move forward on the path God is calling you. We begin our book study mini series over Autumn Miles’ book, “I Am Rahab” in episode 172, and it goes through episode 187. Learn how Rahab’s story mirrors our lives of being touched by God and fully restored.


Risk Requires Faith

Let’s talk about risk. Some people just cringe at even hearing the word risk. There are variables to consider, moving parts, and the future to think about too. Our minds can creep into a place where we go down the rabbit hole of worst case scenario. Here is the main takeaway we want you to consider. What does God say about risk?

As we look at Rahab’s life from the book of Joshua, we know that she took a great risk when helping the Israelites. Risk when given the blessing by God is called a leap of faith. So if God is calling you to take a risk, know that it is good to be obedient and jump scared. Here are a few things to help keep you encouraged along the way:

  • Trust that God’s way is better than ours
  • God will not be reckless with you
  • He rewards your faith
  • Lean on the bigger picture of furthering God’s kingdom

Faith is doing the next right step, and not knowing exactly what will happen. If God has called us to something that feels risky on our end, we need to rest in knowing that we can move forward being obedient with God, and that action glorifies God while furtherin the kingdom. Remember that faith is what is not seen. So if you’re feeling uncertain, but know that the next step is from God, this is now considered an opportunity to grow your faith.

God’s Timeline

Now that we’ve settled on risk requiring faith and trust in God, we will need a timeline perspective shift. We know that God rewards obedience, we just need to remember that it doesn’t necessarily happen on our timing. This can sometimes stretch our patience, but we can trust in the fact that God can see all the moving parts, is in control, and doesn’t have to operate on the the time-space continuum that humans do (the perks of being omnipotent).

The next step of how to take a leap of faith is knowing that God will provide for you no matter what. The money, food, energy, etc will be there. Praying about this will help you too. Pray that you have the strength, endurance, patience, etc to fulfill this leap of faith God is wanting you to take. God’s timing and provision can look differently than what we my imagine.

Remember that provision can look many different ways, and can sometimes mean we’ll be stretching ourselves along the way. Taking a risk gets us out of our comfort zones, and the natural side effect makes us, well, uncomfortable. This is that part where we can press on through, and understand that our timeline looks different than God’s timeline.

When we take a risk for God, we don’t have to know exactly how it’s going to turn out, but we can know for certain that God will make all things good. Here are a few reminders along the way:

  • Faith first, pray for clarification
  • Rest in His provision, pray for courage and endurance
  • Show up & do the work, pray for discipline and energy

Abundance in Opportunities

Here’s another perspective shift. As Christians, God wants to provide abundantly. This means He wants us to thrive, not just survive. When we take risks on God’s behalf, we know that He is calling us to a place where we can thrive. When we accept this mindset shift, we can help capture out thoughts when we’re in the tarrying (or the waiting) periods.

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

John 10:10

When our minds start to drift, use this plan to help you along the way. In the first couple of sections we talked about how to take a leap of faith. Keep these next steps top of mind when you’re living it out daily: recall that God wants us to thrive, remember the character of God, align your thoughts with Biblical truth, and surrender in faith. We need to actively think about this process when we step out in faith.

  • Focus on who God is
  • Align your thoughts with truth
  • Surrender in faith
  • Take the jump

When God calls us to something that feels risky, focus on the opportunity He is presenting to us. We can be a part of something bigger than ourselves that furthers the kingdom of God.

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

Galatians 6:9

We hope you enjoyed episode 176, “How to Take a Leap of Faith” and that you have practical, actionable steps you can take. Be sure to check out this entire I Am Rahab mini series about learning how Rahab’s story mirrors our lives of being touched by God and fully restored. Dig deep to grow closer to God in this mini series. You can do this! We’re here to help. Click the affiliate image below to get your copy of Autumn Miles’ book.

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.