
Influence Through Forgiveness with Shelby Houston

In episode 171, “Influence Through Forgiveness with Shelby Houston”, we interview Shelby Houston, daughter of fallen Officer Richard Houston, who shares about the death of her father, how we’re called to forgive, and her path to tell others about Jesus. We begin our book study mini series over Dale Carnegie’s book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age” in episode 151. Learn how to develop soft skills needed to have a positive impact, lead others well, and help point others to Christ.


Leveraging for God’s Glory

Not every junior in college is traveling across the world, speaking, and writing a book with the help of Bob Goff, but Shelby is! Through the tragic death of her father, Shelby has used the power of God to leverage the situation and tell the world about Jesus. You may recognize Shelby through her father’s eulogy that went viral in December of 2021 where she says the famous line:

“My prayer is that someday down the road, I get to spend some time with the man who shot my father — not to scream at him, not to yell at him, not to scold him — but to simply tell him about Jesus.”

Shelby Houston

Y’all, if that ain’t leverage for Jesus, we don’t know what is. Shelby has walked through this storm with her head held high and her eyes on Jesus. Praise God. In episode 171, “Influence Through Forgiveness with Shelby Houston”, she walks us through that day and all the feelings that come along with it. Her remarkable actions are from the Holy Spirit. Now we have a question for you. How are you responding when crisis hits? You are influencing people regardless of what you’re walking through. Be a Shelby!

When You Don’t Know Why

When tragedy strikes, many of us throw around questions like:

  • “Why is this happening to me?”
  • “Why would God let this happen?”
  • “What am I supposed to do now?”

On this side of Heaven, we may never get to know the “why” behind what happens, but we do know who’s in control. Shelby walks us through what she does to stay close to God, even through horrendous events. The key point we want to drive home is to make sure you’re putting in the work now, that way you have Biblical wisdom and a strong Jesus relationship. Do all of these things now, that way you’re even more prepared when the storm comes:

  • Read your Bible
  • Pray and grow the relationship
  • Meet with God

Being vulnerable with God is a key element to growth. Randy Wade talks about how to be spiritually vulnerable in episode 37. God can handle your big girl feelings, so come to Him and honestly speak your mind. Shelby drives home the point of if you enter into a time with God feeling a negative emotion, never leave that way. Sit with God, talk it out, pray for peace and understanding. God honors the truth and the truth sets us free. Don’t bottle it up or stuff it down.

Know the Character of God

When you spend time with God, actually get to know Him. We shouldn’t always go to God with our wishlist or complaints. Let’s get to know Him (He did write us a book after all). This is also a great time to bring up the difference between knowing something and believing something. You know that God is faithful, but do you believe that He’ll come through for you in your trial?

It’s easy to know, better to understand, and best to believe. All of these are great, and they show the progression of a deeper relationship. Know that when you come to God with your sorrow, He weeps with you and will carry it for you. Believe it. God redeems those moments. In episode 171, “Influence Through Forgiveness with Shelby Houston”, listen to how this looks in her life.

Shelby Houston Eulogy for her father

You’re Already Being Prepared

God has given you innate skill sets and talents, and he gives you specific convictions as well. What tugs your heartstrings may not tug someones else’s as much as yours. Shelby tells us of how she processed certain topics in her past, and how that is now playing a significant role in what she’s doing today. How she felt in her past all made sense once her father passed in the way he did. God spends your whole life preparing you that you’re ready to step up when the time is right (hint: go read the book of Esther!).

“And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Esther 4:14

Now you’re aware that God has been preparing you all along, what can you do on your part? Active preparation on your part. Find a home group, join the Bible study, have a community that spurs you on, do whatever you can to stay close to God and have people in your life who feel that too. What you choose to consume and let others pour into you matters. Choose wisely.

Shelby Houston, Bloom Conference

Remember the Cross

We titled this episode “Influence Through Forgiveness with Shelby Houston” because one of the greatest things we can do for others is show unconditional love just as Jesus Christ does. People notice when we do something that God commands (like forgiving others of their wrongdoing to us), especially when it doesn’t make worldly sense. Shelby charges us to remember the cross and all Jesus has done for us.

“Jesus hung on the cross for me, but he hung for Jaime too… I would hate to be called by my sin, shame, and guilt. The whole world probably hates [Jaime], and i’m not going to be one of those people.”

In episode 171, “Influence Through Forgiveness with Shelby Houston”, she gives specific verses and scriptures that have stuck out to her recently. Keep in mind, the Bible is God’s living word. You can read the same passage in two different seasons of your life and get two completely different meanings from it. Shelby mentions the life of Job, the trials of Paul, and how God turns mourning to dancing.

So what’s next for Shelby? A book! Along with speaking engagements, meeting with others to share her story, and her blog, she is working on a book with Bob Goff. We are looking forward to having Shelby back on to tell us all about her book adventures! Get the Illustrated Bible Shelby is loving to use. Click the affiliate image below to get yours!

We hope you enjoyed episode 171, “Influence Through Forgiveness with Shelby Houston” and that you have practical, actionable steps you can take. Be sure to check out this entire How to Win Friends mini series about how to have a positive impact, lead others well, and help point others to Christ. You can do this! We’re here to help. Click the affiliate image below to get your copy of Dale Carnegie’s book.

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.


  1. Aw, this was a very nice post. Taking a few minutes and actual effort to create a great article… but what can I say… I put things off a whole lot and never manage to get anything done.

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