
How to Set Goals for the New Year

In episode 83, we discuss how to set goals for the new year by talking through real examples. We’re here to help you brainstorm, set, and achieve your goals for the upcoming year. We share our personal, professional, & spiritual goals along with giving you great resources that can help you stay motivated.


At Witty & Gritty, we are big fans of consistently moving in an upward trajectory. In episode 83, we’ll dive into our own goals and discuss how we can to set these. You’ll walk away with action steps and inspiration to set your own goals.

Want a workbook that helps you outline your goals and get to crushing them? We’ve got a freebie for you! Just click the button below and ask for your free Goal Setting Workbook. Enjoy!

Different Types of Goals

We understand that different pockets of life come with different growth points. We recommend setting specific goals rather than one goal that is too broad. In this episode we specifically talk about professional, personal, and spiritual goals.

Lifelong Health

As former college athletes who still enjoy movement of sorts, we highly value staying fit. Keep in mind, that we collectively have 7 children, are full time working leaders, and maintain Witty & Gritty as a team of two. Trust us, staying fit can be a struggle. Some days we’re great at it, some days other things need to take higher priority (and that is okay!).

Here is the choice we have to make daily: I choose health over____. It is never an easy decision, and there is constantly a laundry list (literally) of things to be done once we get home. Some days the laundry monster wins, some days we get to hit the gym. Heck, sometimes it’s a driveway workout while the kids play outside. Do your best with what you have!

Lifelong Learning

The amazing thing about the brain is that it has a limitless capacity for knowledge. The more you know, the more you can use those learned skill sets to achieve your next level goals. We are in a constant state of growth and the way we consume information looks different in life phases and what the particular subject is.

Here are some ways we are currently learning new information to add to and expand our mental database:

  • Listening to podcasts
  • Reading & researching
  • Taking online courses
  • Enrolling in classes
  • Gaining certifications
  • Connecting with experts
  • Joining communities
  • Journaling, brainstorming, writing

Find something that works for you in this life phase and go for it! It’s not always easy, but growth through learning is a great gift to give yourself and those around you.

Lifelong Spiritual Growth

The foundation of everything we do is based in our faith. We are in constant pursuit of spiritual growth and we do our best to find resources (of course the Bible!) that help us through our Christian walk. We have a few podcast episodes where we talk to Christian authors who have written books that dive into the sanctification process. CLICK HERE to go to that mini series!

Reading the Bible doesn’t have to be scary, boring, or difficult. With practice and a system that works for you, you can work your way to loving reading your Bible. We seek out wisdom from experts and combine it with what systems work for us to give you plenty of options to try. Remember, you may need to try something you once did because now you’re in a different phase of life. Take on the trial-error-pivot mentality!

Links From the Show

Written by Brooke in December 28, 2020
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Christian Podcasters & Bloggers

Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.