
Be Brave and Rely on Your Village: Janet’s Interview

Episode 38: Need to hear about how to be brave and rely on your village? You’re in luck! To close our Daring Greatly mini series, Janet’s interview teaches us how to be vulnerable, the importance of a village, tenacity, and Jesus.


Janet is the almost-aunt to Faren. We all have this type of person in our lives. Someone who can comfort like a mom and shoot it straight like a friend. Hear the full episode to close out our Brene Brown “Daring Greatly” vulnerability mini series.

Rely on Your Village

Janet found herself living in Puerto Rico with her husband and a newborn. As a new mom, she had to figure out how to parent without a more experienced mentor. Janet was able to organize a group of women who could support each other, grow each other, and “do life” with each other. Her advice? Get. A. Village.

Need help finding your village people? No, not YMCA. The people who speak life into you, support you, and give you wise counsel. Check out our interview with Randy (also in our vulnerability mini series). You get to hear our PRO TIPS on how to find your people!

Be Tenacious

Anything worth having is worth working for. Janet was able to take a road less traveled and work her way to becoming an operating room surgical nurse. Her PRO TIP? Press on and keep your goals in mind.

Ask For Help

Being able to have tough conversations IS being vulnerable! Janet gives great examples of when she’s had to face fears, address conflict, and do what’s best, even if it hurts. Her advice? Swallow your pride, seek wise counsel, & pray.

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Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.