
Easter Episode and Gift Guide

Whether the Easter Bunny visits your home each year or not, one thing is certain: Jesus Christ is risen from the grave, and He has made a way for us to spend eternity in Heaven. We’ve created an episode for you to hear about our faith, and how Easter plays a role in our lives. Click to play the episode, and while you’re listening, check out the items below to add some more fun to your holiday. Enjoy the Easter episode and Gift Guide!

Episode 286 Overview

At Witty & Gritty, we use our Read, Pray, Talk, Tell method to dive into scripture. This week’s episode walks through Matthew 28: 5-8. As we READ through this scripture, we can see that Jesus is risen! Tune into the episode to hear all our tips for reading through this particular set of verses.

“Then the angel spoke to the women. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying. And now, go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and he is going ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there. Remember what I have told you.” The women ran quickly from the tomb. They were very frightened but also filled with great joy, and they rushed to give the disciples the angel’s message.”

Matthew 28: 5-8

As we PRAY over this scripture, remember that we have access to the same God that parted the Red Sea, healed leapers, and raised people from the dead. Pray those big, impossible prayers, and watch God move you through sanctification. In this moment in scripture, we can see that multiple feelings can be experienced. The mix of joy, relief, and shock must have struck them hard, all while handling the task to tell others.

As we TALK through this verse, think of ways you can sympathize in this situation. How would you hope to respond? Would adrenaline be pumping though your veins, or would you need a bit more convincing? Have you ever been in a situation God has given you a clear message, but you hesitate for one reason or another? Has fear or lies from satan held you back? Have fun discussing this with your Biblical community.

As we TELL through Matthew 28: 5-8, we know that it’s important to spread the amazing sacrifice of Jesus Christ. He has made a way for us to be with Him forever. We have hope in Jesus because He lives. Once you cross the line of faith, your lens in which you view the world begins to shift into a Biblical worldview.

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

John 3:16

Fun Easter Items

Below, we’ve included some fun Easter items ranging from what you could in your kid’s basket to something for yourself. We know what Easter is all about, so we curated these items to bring joyful reminders of the risen king, Jesus Christ. Have fun scrolling through these affiliate items, and be sure to grab you a couple as a way to help spread the good news of the gospel.

Resurrection Eggs


This is a great visual reminder of what happened during the first Easter. FamilyLife’s The Resurrection Eggs For Kids: Create lasting memories and bring your family together as you celebrate Easter with an exciting egg hunt tradition. These Easter Resurrection eggs come with a storybook, Easter story symbols, stickers, and access to videos from The Jesus Film Project to create a fun, truth-filled Easter interaction.

Giant Easter Coloring Page


My kids LOVE these posters, and ask for them for every holiday. Easter party posters are suitable for paper tablecloths, wall decorations and gift items. Easter party posters can be placed on floors, walls, tables and more. Suitable for parties, class activities, parent-child activities. he design has various educational elements and characteristics. These cute Easter elements are sure to stand out and make your classroom activities fun and exciting. Our Happy Easter He is Risen themed coloring posters make a great gift idea for kids and are perfect for parties, birthdays, and other special occasions.

International Children’s Bible

This Bible is not just for kids! If you’ve wanted a simpler way to read the Bible, start here! The reasonably priced Gift & Award Bible makes special-occasion gifts and bulk purchases easy. With a cool shield design for boys, this full-text International Children’s Bible® features maps and a dedication page, making it a perfect presentation for baptism, confirmation, graduations, Vacation Bible School, and other gift-giving occasions.

Easter Sticker Books

I’m a grown up, and I still love stickers! Children will love hearing stories about Jesus, completing activities, and placing stickers. You’ll love seeing little ones grow in faith, have fun learning, and stay entertained during church services, Sunday School, car trips, and more.

Easter Shirts for Women

Who doesn’t love a great shirt? Especially ones that are cute and practical! These christian shirts for women are a wonderful gift for those who have faith in Jesus. It is a motivational gift for families, friends or neighbors who love sharing the good news of the bible and praising the lord.

Easter Shirts for Kids

We can’t forget the kids! Look how cute this shirts are! Adorably cute girls boys Easter outfit for your little bunnies. These shirts are great for cute pictures with siblings or cousin (even choose your color too!). If you’re looking to shift from Sunday church outfit to sweating during the egg hunt, these shirts are perfect for those cuties of yours.

Devotionals for Kids

“Saved! Now What?” and “Pray! What Do I Say?” are devotionals that are designed to give simple answers to the questions young Christians ask. Each entry includes kid-friendly talk, a meaningful message, and an intentional action step. A unique journaling section gives families a personalized keepsake of their child’s growing faith.Dive into the daily devotionals with your child or someone you love. Join the discussions on prayer, friendship, attitude, and Bible study as the child considers biblical truths, journals personal reflections, and pursues positive actions. This 20-day devotional/journal is designed to help children grow in their faith after salvation.

Biblically Based Books

If you’re looking for Christian literature that focuses on the Easter season, here are three books to enjoy. Journey to the Cross by Paul David Tripp is a forty-day Lenten devotional, where the author invites us to set aside time from the busyness of our lives to focus on the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus.

The Final Days of Jesus by Kostenberger and Taylor combs through a chronological arrangement of the Gospel accounts with insightful commentary, charts, and maps, this book will help you better understand what actually happened all those years ago―and why it matters today.

In The Passion of the King of Glory by Russ Ramsey, the author invites us to rediscover our wonder at Jesus’ sinless life, brutal death, and glorious resurrection.

We hope you’ve enjoy our Easter episode along with these fun items that leave reminders of Jesus. If you’ve enjoyed your time here, we’d love to see you over on our instagram. PLUS, the links below may be of some interest to you (plus episode entertainment that comes along with the gift guides). Enjoy! If you missed the episode, here is it again below. Share with your friends!

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