
Grit Mini Series: Episode 21, Chapters 6-9

Welcome to another grit episode! Learn how to develop grit from the inside out! We talk about four ways to develop your passions & perseverance: interest, practice, purpose, & hope. Join us on the Witty & Gritty Podcast and grab your FREE grit workbook. This is a 100% FREE coaching session!



This chapter talks about the spark that is created over time when you play around with different hobbies (that will eventually turn into passions). The This means that if you can find a career that aligns with these passions, you’ll be more satisfied. Duckworth’s research provides scientific research coupled with anecdotes to prove this point.


Deliberate practice is key. The book quantity vs quality. practicing with a purpose. target, plan, feedback. stretch goal, intentional with striving towards goal, wise feedback, repeat but better. stretch goal is not the top goal in hierarchy. Flow vs deliberate practice. conscious incompetence–> unconscious competence. steps: positive self talk,


Do you know your purpose in life? Duckworth’s research shows that people’s passions align with an “other-centered” purpose. This means that your passion should help others in some sort of way. What are you doing that is other-centered? How can you change your current work to line up more with your passions?


There are two kinds of hope. One you cannot control, the other you can control. Look at these examples:

  • “Tomorrow will be better.” (fixed mindset)
  • “I resolve to make tomorrow better.” (growth mindset)

The difference is, you have a choice. The great thing is YOU have the control to decide if you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. You can change the narrative and gain back some of the control in your life. You get to choose learned helplessness or learned optimism.

We hope you’re enjoying this grit mini series! Stay tuned for more episodes on how to grow grit from the outside in PLUS our interviews!

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Written by Brooke in November 11, 2019
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Christian Podcasters & Bloggers

Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.