Welcome to the Gangster Prayer mini series. These book study episodes (#131-140) are all about how to relentlessly pursue God with passion and great expectation. We discuss Autumn Miles’ book, “Gangster Prayer.” We talk about practical, actionable ways to develop a lifestyle of prayer. This mini series begins on episode 131 of the Witty & Gritty podcast. Click the affiliate button below to get your copy of Autumn Miles’ book, “Gangster Prayer.”

In episode 131, “Revamp Your Prayer Life”, we discuss practical tips on how to reframe the what, why, and how we should pray.

In episode 132, “Foundation of Bold Prayer”, we discuss the importance of having a solid foundation of knowing God’s character and how we can confidently pray in a bold manner.

In episode 133, “Create a Lifestyle of Prayer”, we give tips on how to incorporate prayer into your life while making the most of your time talking with God. With intentionality and purpose, your prayer life will grow in positive ways.

In episode 134, “Pray Persistently”, we talk about different ways we can pray with intention and perseverance. Learn how to practice patience and pray with excited anticipation.

In episode 135, “Pray with Unwavering Confidence”, we discuss how to faithfully pray, even when we don’t see or feel the positives. Good news! God has a plan and He is always working things together for our good. Hear about this more in this week’s episode!

In episode 136, “Wrestling in Prayer”, we talk about what it’s like when God is working on us through prayer. Sometimes we’re in certain circumstances because we need refinement.

In episode 137, “Excited and Grateful Prayer”, we talk about how to pray expectantly with a sense of gratitude. Praying like this will bring you closer to God and help you have the mindset shift you may have needed.

In episode 138, “Connecting to God Through Worship”, we interview Joey Hensley and discuss the connection between prayer and worship through song. Hear how we are designed to be drawn to music and praise God for what He’s done.

In episode 139, “How to Pray with Intention”, we interview author Betsy Adams who gives us a step by step approach on how to pray on purpose on a regular basis. Her how-to guide and resources will get your praying more consistently and more meaningfully.

In episode 140, “How to Be a Gangster Prayer”, we interview author Autumn Miles and discuss what it means to passionately pray. and how that practically looks in your day to day life. Hear how God has blessings in store for you when you take the time and stay disciplined to pray wholeheartedly, full of faith.
We hope you enjoy the Gangster Prayer mini series, because we had a blast creating it! We pray that through this mini series we are all able to become our best selves to further the kingdom. It’s not always easy, but we can do it through God’s strength. Follow the party over on IG and Pinterest where you can see what we’re up to! Click the affiliate button below to get your copy of Autumn Miles’ book, “Gangster Prayer.”