Witty & Gritty Podcast Library

Once upon a time, there was the Witty & Gritty podcast hosted by yours truly, Brooke Collier, and my bestie, Faren! That show is no longer available to stream, but from this page you can find all the shows notes to the 300+ episodes (and coming soon, a couple hundred MP3s for the episodes).

What started out as a book study mini series podcast morphed into the Busy Christian Mom podcast (now available everywhere). Over the course of 5.5 years of podcasting, God has clearly led me in the direction the BCM podcast is now going.

Still want the great WG content from 2019-2024? No problem. Everything you need to know about that is on this page. Scroll down and click which topic piques your interest, and it’ll take you to the mini series page you desire.

Witty & Gritty Podcast Stats

  • With over 300 episodes (that’s a TON as far as podcast norms go), the show has played in 6 continents, so many countries and states that the stats are through the roof, and has had 42,000 downloads. It has been a podcast that has been listened to all over the world, and has pointed people to Christ. We are so proud of the hard work that went into this show!
  • There have been so many amazing interviewees on the podcast! A special thank you to the following who have been on the Witty & Gritty Podcast: Tara-Leigh Cobble, Melissa Spoelstra, Ashley Morgan Jackson, Autumn Miles, Tarryn Sarcone, Kat Armstrong, Michelle Neitert, Cally Logan, Betsy Adams, Anastasia Corbin, Cody Andras, Annie Weber, Julie Plagens, Tiffany Armstrong, Kayse Morris, Shelby Houston, Pierre Cannings, AJ Sherrill, Whitney Russel Stabile, Callie Amons, Josh Burns, Faren DeRieux, Jill McDill, David Griffin, Randy Wade, Paul McDill, Joe Paris, Casey Coats, Rocky Hernandez, Joey Hensley, Lauren Burks, Pam and Jerry Lewis, Lisa Schoenrock, Sherri LaBarbera, One Legacy Group, Jessica Day, Kelly Smith, Betty DeRieux, Rich and Aimee Hamsher, Keith Adams, Lindsay Paris, Janet Watson, Lauren Coats, Jeanne Frazier, Lisalette Hamon, Lonnie Pollard, Kristin and Blake Clickner, Janet Clancy, Stephanie Frentress, Carissa Hancock, Nancy Disterlic, Savannah Price, Karen Hanie, and more!
  • From listening to the audience, chatting with God, and lots of research, this podcast is now coming to a close and new chapter is beginning! The Busy Christian Mom podcast is launching fall of 2024, and it’s going to be so much fun! Check it out on Apple Podcasts!
  • A final shout out to all the listeners all over the world! Thank you for sharing this podcast with others. Thank you for the reviews, messages, emails, that give us the courage and motivation to keep going. With fans like you, the show was able to have such a successful run! Thank you, listeners!

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