
Summer Thrive Guide

Welcome to the Summer Thrive Guide! Summer is full of fun and no set routines. As our patterns of behavior shift for the summer, I was inspired to create the Summer Thrive Guide. I’m here to help support busy Christian moms gain joy and gratitude by sharing encouragement, wisdom, and funny moments in life.

This summer thrive guide ranges from episodes 291-304. It covers everything from how to spend time with God with your crazy summer schedule, to how to build an epic fort with your family. It’s filled with scripture, prayers, and ways to see God moving in your daily life. If you’re looking to stay connected with Christ this summer while maximizing the time with your family, this mini series is for you!

Episode 291: You’ve heard of March Madness, but have you heard of May Madness? The title may be new to you, but the feelings of overwhelm during the month of May are very familiar. With graduations, end of the year parties, and every sport practicing at the same time, the hustle of May Madness can creep up before you know it. This is why I’ve created 4 Tips to Thrive During May Madness! Let go of the stress so you can enjoy the beauty of all the things happening around you. Don’t miss it (episode 291)!

Episode 292: Whether it’s pre-k, high school, college, post grad, or trade school, completing hard things is worth celebrating. If you know someone’s graduation is approaching, but not sure what to get them, you’re in the right place! In this post/episode, I’ll be covering some of my go-to gift items that will work for all walks of life. Enjoy these grad gift ideas! Maybe snag something for yourself while you’re at it.

Episode 293: Summertime is for traveling! Tis the season to road trip with your family. You, your spouse, and the kiddos are so excited. You’ve planned for the trip, the bags are packed, and you’ve even mapped the vacation on Waze. But, there is one critical step that is often overlooked: how to properly load up the vehicle before you leave. When this one step is missed, it can turn the kickoff of your vacay into a disaster. This is why I’m giving you my tips on how to pack the car for a road trip.

Episode 294: It’s officially summertime! Kids are home, work still is ongoing, and routines go out the window. You may find that all your good habits you’ve worked hard to develop during the school year…start to fade. This is why I’m giving you my 4 tips to stay connected with Christ during summer. Learn how to keep these four foundational pillars as a priority, and see how your relationship with God grows.

Episode 295: Families come in all shapes and sizes, but the great thing is that God put our families together on purpose, for a purpose. Everything we do can be channeled into kingdom work, so raising children in a Godly home is included in this. There’s one thing you need to know about our family. We’re all about loving well and playing big (and probably also being very loud). That’s why I’m giving you three fun ways to bond as a family. These family fun night ideas are great for any season, rain or shine!

Episode 296: Have you heard the hype around the show The Chosen? It’s a streamable show that follows the life of Jesus Christ and his ministry. It’s filled with action, drama, and most importantly, demonstrates the love of God the Son. Whether you’ve seen it a million times or zero, here are 15 reasons to watch The Chosen. Trust me, it’s worth the hype. I have yet to meet someone who has seen The Chosen and not liked it.

Episode 297: Before we get started, can I admit something to you real quick? Staying committed to spiritual disciplines in the summer is hard, and I struggle! Vacations, camps, schedule shifts, you name it. All of that can compound into something that takes my eyes off of God. This is why today I’m talking about my 3 tips to stay consistent during the summer. These have helped me prioritize God during the summertime, so I know they can help you too.

Episode 298: We’ve got to start today’s show by addressing a very specific tension. I know if I’m feeling it, you probably are too. It’s the tension between the joy of summertime and the duty of still having to get stuff done. The kids get a break from school, so why can’t we take a break from all our work tasks too? Hmm, somehow this summer system is broken! Ha! That’s why I’m giving you my best three tips on how to balance fun and tasks this summer.

Christian Podcasters & Bloggers

Brooke & Faren

College teammates turned best friends, these moms know what it takes to grow your faith and not get burned out.