15 Reasons to Watch The Chosen

June 2, 2024

Have you heard the hype around the show The Chosen? It's a streamable show that follows the life of Jesus Christ and his ministry. It's filled with action, drama, and most importantly, demonstrates the love of God the Son. Whether you've seen it a million times or zero, here are 15 reasons to watch The Chosen. Trust me, it's worth the hype. I have yet to meet someone who has ...

Easter Episode and Gift Guide

March 16, 2024

Whether the Easter Bunny visits your home each year or not, one thing is certain: Jesus Christ is risen from the grave, and He has made a way for us to spend eternity in Heaven. We've created an episode for you to hear about our faith, and how Easter plays a role in our lives. Click to play the episode, and while you're listening, check out the items below to ...

Advent Mini Series

December 6, 2023

Celebrating the Advent season is a great way to focus on Jesus while being intentional during the holiday season. This is why we created our Advent Mini Series which focuses on four themes: hope, peace, joy, and love. Episodes 236-239 of the Witty & Gritty Podcast feature these specific themes. Each episode in our Advent Mini Series walks through scripture using our classic Read, Pray, Talk, Tell method. We pray that ...

Enneagram & Spiritual Growth

October 21, 2020

In episode 73, Enneagram & Spiritual Growth, we discuss how we can grow as Christians by asking self-reflective questions, & by looking at specific Bible verses. We interview Karen Hanie, who did intensive apprentice study under Suzanne Stabile for multiple years. CLICK HERE TO PLAY! https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/vi5hsk/Ep_73_Karen_Enneagram_and_scripture79gxr.mp3 Karen Hanie contains a wealth of knowledge around the Enneagram & spiritual growth in faith. Being saved is the first step, and sanctification is the living out ...

Show Notes: Episode 18

September 10, 2019

CLICK TO LISTEN! https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/p7sd2y/Ep_18-Listener_s_Choice-_Grief_Stephanie_-_9_8_19_12_41_AM.mp3 This is a Listener's Choice episode! This means that someone has reached out to use to provide insight and support to a specific topic. This Listener's Choice discusses grieving the loss of a loved one. Stephanie Frentress was involved in a horrific car accident that resulted in devastating wounds to her body. Stephanie suffered two broken legs, two broken arms, and a broken back and pelvis, among ...

Why Didn’t You Tell Me?!

August 4, 2019

Why People Don’t Share Their Pain in the Midst of Their Struggle I used to think, “Why would I tell anyone what I am going through? It seems to do more harm, than good. I’ll just keep this to myself. It doesn’t feel great, but at least I’m not making the pain worse." Now that I am on the other side of some of my biggest trials and tribulations I know ...

How “The DAB” Helped Get Me Into Scripture

July 8, 2019

I was born and raised in a Christian family, so Jesus has been in my life as long as I can remember. We went to church regularly, and I attended a Catholic school until we moved to Texas in 1998. I grew up going to all of the church functions: Vacation Bible School, Wednesday Night bible studies, church retreats, etc. My participation in church and related activities helped me grow ...

Show Notes: Episode 8

July 1, 2019

Click play to listen! https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/xfba68/Ep_8-Lisalette_Interview_-_6_30_19_9_49_PM.mp3 Here are the show notes for episode 8! Here is the last of our 3 interviews covering John Maxwell's: The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. We interviewed Lisalette, Community Life Church's Women's Ministry Director. Her interview is saturated with fantastic information and application points. If you want to catch up before listening, check out episode 1, episode 2, episode 3, episode ...