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You found the show notes for episode 7! Here is the 2nd of our 3 interviews covering John Maxwell’s: The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. We interviewed Betsy, Brooke’s mom, & she gave us some fantastic tips and strategies on how to raise kids with a growth mindset.
If you want some background knowledge on the text we’re pulling our questions and ideas from, check out episode 1, episode 2, episode 3, episode 4, episode 5, & episode 6.

We covered each of the 15 chapters and got to hear about Betsy’s perspective on raising her two kids to have resilient personalities (or at least she thinks so!).
1. Encouragement

Encouragement is a key ingredient in Betsy’s life. Of course, her kids can attest to this. Betsy talks about the powerful impact encouragement can have and how she has implemented it in her life.
Through anecdotes, she is able to convey how giving and receiving words of affirmation develops character and can have not only a short term impact, but long term as well.
2. Talk It Out

Communication is vital when it comes to raising kids or training people who want to develop personal growth. Remember, communication is a two way street. Because of this, we speak about the importance of vocabulary development.
You’ll hear about real, practical, & easily implementable tactics that have so far proven successful. If you are trying to find a way to better communicate whether it’s involving a 6 year old or 60 year old, this is a must listen.
3. Pray

The power of prayer. If you’re not the praying type, or if it’s not your strong suit in your faith, it’s never too late to start taking baby steps. We discuss the different ways we pray and what we are trying to discover with these specific prayers. Again, these have been tried and tested for years, so if you’re looking to switch it up or hear what some other people have tried, this is for you!
Check out our next interview with Lisalette, our Women’s Ministry Director. She knows her stuff and gives such great wisdom in episode 8.
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