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You made it to the 4th episode in our mini series about John Maxwell’s book: 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth! If you need a refresher check out episode 1, episode 2, & episode 3.
Ch 10: The Law of the Rubber Band

Benefits of Tension
There are so many feelings that go through my mind when I’m intentionally trying to get out of my comfort zone. If I have a hope of growing, I’ve got to stretch myself and do that constantly. It is never easy, but it is always worth it.
Challenging yourself in this area can be fruitful after you’ve done your ground work. Want that promotion? Then you should be assertive and set yourself up for success. Don’t forget that your boss isn’t a mind reader, so they may not know you’re ready for more responsibility. Have healthy, goal-related conversations.
Ch 11: The Laws of Trade-Offs

Truth About Trade-Offs
We make so many decisions in any given day, so how important is each decision? This depends on where you’re trying to go with your life. If you’re looking to develop your personal growth, then you need to be basing your decisions around your specific growth.
Trade-Offs Worth Making
Think about which area of your life you’re seeking improvement. Sometimes it’s easier to work from there and go backwards down to the simplest form. An example could be setting yourself up for a less stressful morning. Now the shift becomes all about your morning routine and your night before routine. Could it all even be solved by just getting up an hour earlier?
Ch 12: The Law of Curiosity

Cultivate Curiosity
This is a law that many people may not even think about. More and more research is proving creativity and curiosity tie in with success and productivity. There are a few major companies (Google, for example) that let their employees have “passion projects”. They are given specific work week hours to play around with their project on the condition that whatever is being worked on is benefiting the company (and now we have GMAIL).
Could something as simple as just allowing yourself to be in a creative space help you in other facets of your life? I know from experience that it has most certainly helped me.
Stay tuned for episode 5 when we discuss the final chapters of Maxwell’s book. Remember, it’s not too late to start journaling or listening with friends. Compare notes and keep each other accountable.
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