Hey, y’all! This is the 3rd installment in our mini series covering John Maxwell’s: The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. If you’re just now tuning in and would like to have more background to what we’ve previously discussed, check out these links: episode 1 & episode 2
Click below to listen to episode 3!
Ch 7: The Law of Design

Effective Systems
This. Chapter. It is so important to find systems or routines that help you function at your best. You know yourself better than most, and implementing effective systems to make your life smoother is vital to productivity and success.
Again, we highly recommend getting the book somehow and delving further into what Maxwell has to say. In this episode, we spend a chunk of time telling y’all what are some of our personal favorite systems and how to go about updating and troubleshooting your routines on a regular basis.
We want to hear from y’all! What are some effective systems you use in your daily/weekly/monthly routine? We are always looking to improve, and if you’re sitting on some gems, please share!
Ch 8: The Law of Pain

Pain Files
This chapter is all about how to leverage your pain into something that could help you or others. Whether it’s a major trauma or you stubbed your toe for the third time this week, you can find a way to reflect, harness, & leverage the experience.
Pain Turned Gain
No one is immune to pain; the ugly truth is that it is a natural part of life. What do you do in your moments of pain or just after pain? These are the true moments that test our character and how much effort we’ve put towards personal growth.
Ch 9: The Law of the Ladder

In this section we discuss Maxwell’s rungs on the character ladder. This is when you must know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, and be prepared to grow yourself. Every person has different character rungs and they’re prioritized according to each specific person.
Remember, Maxwell has application points for the reader at the end of each chapter. Picking up your copy today brings you one step closer to becoming a better version of yourself. Who will you be in a few years?
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