
Identity Crisis: Busy Christian Mom Credo

It’s easy to get lost in mom life and how to balance everything you do in the day to day. Cue the identity crisis. We were someone, then we got married. Then kids happened, and now you’re going by all sorts of names like, mama, mommy, mom, bruh. When we get caught up in the busyness of life we can forget that, first and foremost, our identity is in Christ. This Busy Christian Mom Credo is here to take us back to the basics of who we are and whose we are in Christ. Welcome to the Identity Crisis Mini Series!

This 13 episode mini series is the kickstart to the brand new Busy Christian Mom podcast. With over 5 years of podcasting and blogging, well over 10,000 hours in teaching and coaching in some capacity or another, and through raising kids of my own, the Busy Christian Mom podcast gives you all my best tips and strategies to help you focus your eyes on God, all while you live your life.

Through the course of these 13 episodes, you’ll learn 13 truths about your identity in Christ. We’ll walk through scripture and real life examples from the Bible, and turn around what we’ve learned into examples of how that looks in today’s world. I’ve spent some time praying over and writing this busy Christian mom credo. May we preach these truths to ourselves, to our children, to our grandchildren, and to everyone who is a follower of Jesus. Without further ado, I give you the Busy Christian Mom Credo:

I am the daughter of the King. I am chosen, forgiven, redeemed. I am loved and I belong. I am bold, brave, and strong. I am seen. I’m accepted. I am able. I’m protected. Through Him I can do anything. Because I’m the daughter of the King.

Brooke Collier, Busy Christian Mom Credo

13 Truths About Your Identity in Christ

Below are links and a brief description of each of the busy Christian mom credo identity markers. The absolute easiest way to binge these episodes is the Busy Christian Mom on Apple Podcasts. Head to that site, and then SUBSCRIBE to the Busy Christian Mom podcast to you’ll never miss an episode full of tips, strategies, and wisdom.

Episode 2: I’m giving you 3 ways to avoid the motherhood identity crisis, and take full ownership of your title, “Daughter of the King.” These three reminders are ways you can harness your identity, and not feel lost in the busyness of life.

Episode 3: I’m giving you 6 Bible verses that prove what you’re doing isn’t meaningless. Au contraire mon frère, you were chosen on purpose for a purpose with the exact role you’re playing.

Episode 4: If you consider yourself a follower of Christ, your identity is not in your sin, it’s in your savior. Here are 3 choices to make so your sins don’t haunt you.

Episode 5: Today, we’re talking about our redemption through the lens of humility. Humility is the mindset shift you need to feel worthy of redemption if you are swinging on the pendulum of undeserving versus untouchable.

Episode 6: As we experience the highs and lows of life, it can be hard to wrap our minds around the fact that God loves us no matter what. Here are 3 tips for feeling loved based on the disciple John from the Bible.

Episode 7: If feeling like an outcast happens with worldly things, then it can certainly creep into our spiritual lives if we let it. This is why I’m giving you 4 mistakes that keep you feeling like and outsider in your spiritual life.

Episode 8:

Episode 9:

Episode 10:

Episode 11:

Episode 12:

Episode 13:

Episode 14:

The Identity Crisis Mini Series is full of episodes that you’ll want to revisit when you’re feeling lost, overlooked, overwhelmed, or running on fumes. Let these podcast episodes be a reminder of your identity in Christ, and that He equips you, guides you, protects you, and so much more!

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Busy Christian Mom

Brooke Collier

I coach busy Christian moms to thrive in life by teaching them how to prioritize their relationship with God.