
The Ugly Truth About Being Independent: We Need God’s Strength

In a world that prides itself on being strong and independent as labels of success, I’d like to challenge you with a different perspective. What if, instead, we humble ourselves, and admit that we’re weak and dependent on a higher power? The ugly truth about being independent is that we actually can’t do anything on our own.

Today, we’re talking about 4 ways that God’s strength manifests in our lives. If you call yourself a believer, it’s time to face the ugly truth about being independent, and step into your identity in Christ as strong through Him.


Last time I checked I can’t wipe my sins away. In fact, I can’t even consciously make my heart beat and lungs breath when they’re supposed to. I’m dependent on God’s design of the human brain to regulate those things for me. The ugly truth about being independent is recognizing that thinking we can be it all and do it all is prideful and inaccurate.

Y’all, if we can’t even do the most simple physical tasks on our own (like willing our blood through our veins), what makes us think our strength comes from ourselves either? It’s time to take our eyes off of the world’s standard for success with strength and independence, and look at what God says about being strong when we’re weak.

Yes, there are many kinds of strength (physical, mental, emotional), but today, I’m specifically addressing spiritual strength. As a believer, you have the access to tap into holy strength to use to further the kingdom, glorify God, and to do His will. Now, it’s time to address the 4 ways that God’s strength manifests in our lives, and to realize the ugly truth about being independent.

#1 Strength Through Scripture: Fist of Strength

The ugly truth about being independent is that we can’t do anything good on our own. The book of Psalms is filled with emotions that we feel today in the 21st century. There are so many verses in this book that point to God as our strength, but today, we’ll focus on five of these Psalms. As we take a look at these verses, I want you to imagine your opened hand. Five Psalms of strength for five fingers on your hand. As these five scriptures represented by your fingers come together, your hand becomes a fist; a symbol of strength and power.

Scripture to Back This Up

Psalm 22:19 says, “O Lord, do not stay far away! You are my strength; come quickly to my aid!” This verse says it all. I need help, and the only thing that can truly help me is God. As believers, the Holy Spirit lives in us, and we can ask to feel His closeness as we ask for help.

Psalm 31:24 says, “So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!” When we put our hope in the Lord, we can fully rely on His strength, not our own. When we channel His holy strength, the effect is our being strong and courageous.

Psalm 73:26 says, “My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever.” Our bodies and physical health will fade, but we will always have God at the center who will continue to strengthen us.

Psalm 118:14 says, “The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.” God is victorious. He will reign forever, and through Him we are strong. We can give a shout of praise for His power.

Psalm 138:3 says, “As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me strength.” God wants to give us good gifts. When we pray and ask for His strength to carry out His will, He will do it.

Let your closed fist be a reminder to draw on God’s strength in your life. Think about it, what do your hands naturally do when you’re really angry or hurt? You clench your fists. Let that natural, physical reaction help remind you to call on God’s strength, and not act out of your emotions.

This is a simple way to remember that there are at least five verses in Psalms that help us call on the strength of the Lord. The ugly truth about being independent is that we can’t do anything good on our own. Draw on your identity as strong through the power of Christ.

#2 Strength Through Christ: Paul’s Prison Life

Way two of the the 4 ways that God’s strength manifests in our lives is through Christ. Let’s combat the ugly truth about being independent. Christ is our strength. Let’s get in the time machine and travel to around 55-56 AD in Macedonia. Here we have Paul (remember that guy who used to be Saul and then had a spiritual awakening? Listen to episode 5 to more of his story), and he’s writing a letter to the Corinthians. It’s here that Paul pens this popular Bible verse:

“Each time he said, ‘My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.’ So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”

2 Corinthians 12:9

Interesting fact about Paul, he was in and out of prison quite a bit in his life after following Jesus. This letter in particular, he was not currently frequent flying the jailhouse, but he had experienced what prison life was like. Prison over there back then, was not how it is over here in America today. You relied on your friends bringing you things to sustain you, and if they didn’t…dun dun DUNNNN! Too bad for you.

Paul’s realization that God is the only thing he needs was a game changer. This thought of God is going to provide, no matter how dark it looks, is a perspective shift we could all use. What about the phrase, “I’m glad to boast about my weakness.” That is opposite of what the world says to do. The world says be tough, do it on your own, and if you need help, you’re weak.

When we can embrace the fact that we’re weak and need help, we can begin to rely on God as our strength, and give Him the credit for His power. This is a way we can glorify God. It’s in our weakness, through His power, that we can gain strength. When we’re empowered, let’s act in a manner that points back to Him and what He can do. The ugly truth about being independent is that we can’t do anything powerful on our own. Draw on your identity as strong through the power of Christ.

#3 Strength Through Others: Christian Community

Way three of the the 4 ways that God’s strength manifests in our lives is through others. Echoing what Paul said long ago to the Corinthians, the sooner we admit we’re weak, the sooner we can become aware of how God’s power can work in us. Back in the day as a young mom, pride in my independence was my mentality (terrible idea, 0/10 do not recommend). Looking back, I would encourage every mom (and human for that matter) to ask for help, learn to accept help, and be grateful for it. God works through others to strengthen us.

I got a huge dose of this in December of 2021. Here is where I fully embraced relying on the community (again, should have embraced the weakness thing earlier) without feeling like I owe people or need to pay them back.

My son, Rhett (who had just turned 3), was singing at his Christmas program, but we couldn’t physically be there. I was watching the streamed video on my lunch break, and Rhett looked…off. As I’m watching the program, I see Rhett sit down, and slump over onto the ground. He was not moving (yes, the teachers checked on him, and it just looked like he was a tired boy and feel asleep on stage).

I called the preschool, and asked if he was okay. After a quick chat I decided to go ahead and get him and take him to the doctor because it was so out of character. After listing symptoms to the pediatrician, hearing her hunch, and a couple of quick tests, the doctor comes back into the room and says, “Do you want to go to Children’s Plano or Children’s Dallas? I think it’s Type 1 Diabetes.”

In a quick succession of events, I was driving to the hospital, called my husband, called my best friend, Faren, and called my parents. After a couple hours, the hunch of T1D was confirmed, and we spent the next couple of days in the hospital learning everything about how to take care of a type one kid. While we were in the hospital in learning brain overload our community was:

  • Helping with our daughters
  • Bringing gifts and essentials to the hospital
  • Feeding our dogs
  • Providing meals
  • Praying over all the things
  • Sending encouragement
  • Researching and Amazoning T1D necessities to our house

The combination of physical, spiritual, and emotional support definitely strengthened us. Through God’s power working in our community, we no longer felt weak, but empowered. The fact that we learned so much about Type 1 in 48 hours still blows my mind. Truly, God was the only way we were able to walk out of there with a plan, and feel confident about it. The ugly truth about being independent is that we can’t do anything good on our own. Draw on your identity as strong through the power of Christ. He can use His people to strengthen you.

#4 Strength Through Grit: Your Mindset Matters

Way four of the the 4 ways that God’s strength manifests in our lives is through spiritual grit. Let’s go back to Paul’s life, but look ahead a few years later to 60-62 AD. Paul is currently residing in a prison in Rome, and he writes this now-famous line:

“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”

Philippians 4:13

Everything is possible with Christ! He is the source, and He is the one who makes us strong. When we go through the rough reality of time on Earth, know that you are becoming stronger because of it. This spiritual grit you’re developing will help you work through valleys, and help others do the same. How exactly do we do this? Glad you asked. The answer is just a chapter before:

“I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”

Philippians 3:14

Philippains 3:14 and 4:13 go hand in hand (and the numbers are all the same, so it’s easy to remember). God is the one who gives us the strength we need to press on when life gets dark. Press on with Christ. When you hit a bump in the road, don’t throw a pity party, throw a praise party. God’s got your back, and He is ready to help you press on.

Everything you experience on this side of Heaven will be leveraged to glorify God. You get to play a role in this! The rough season you’re in now may very well be the blueprint you pass on to someone who goes through something similar later in life. Develop your spiritual grit, and rely on God to help you do that. Don’t let the ugly truth of being independent steer you away from God. True spiritual strength comes from God.

Podcast Recap

  • #1 Strength Through Scripture: Fist of Strength
  • #2 Strength Through Christ: Paul’s Prison Life
  • #3 Strength Through Others: Christian Community
  • #4 Strength Through Grit: Your Mindset Matters

Scripture Recap

  • Psalm 22:19
  • Psalm 31:24
  • Psalm 73:26
  • Psalm 118:14
  • Psalm 138:3
  • 2 Corinthians 12:9
  • Philippians 3:14
  • Philippians 4:13

I am the daughter of the King. I am chosen, forgiven, redeemed. I am loved and I belong. I am bold, brave, and strong. I am seen. I’m accepted. I am able. I’m protected. Through Him I can do anything. Because I’m the daughter of the King.

Busy Christian Mom Credo, Brooke Collier

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Busy Christian Mom

Brooke Collier

I coach busy Christian moms to thrive in life by teaching them how to prioritize their relationship with God.

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