
3 MORE Tips to Avoid the Back to School Spiritual Slump, Part 2

How are you feeling about August? Is your calendar already full? Are you scrambling to get the last minute schools supplies? Oh, and your kid just hit a growth spurt so new shoes must be bought. Too bad the ones you bought last month no longer fit. I hear you. August feels like a combination of all the stressors of back to school, and somehow everything keeps getting piled on you. This is why I’ve created a part 2 to further enhance last week’s episode! 3 MORE tips to avoid the back to school spiritual slump. With the combination of these 6 tips, your August will run a lot more smoothly when it comes to growing your relationship with God.


We’re going to piggyback off of last week’s episode to help ensure that you’re set up for success. Based off of statical odds, and personal experience in Augusts, I know that it’s easy to slip away from spiritual disciplines. I’ve been there, and I’ve found a way out of the slump. Avoid the back to school spiritual slump with me! In episode 303 we discussed 3 Tips to Avoid the Back to School Spiritual Slump. Be sure to go back one episode to get further details:

  • Tip #1 Go to Church Every Sunday in August
  • Tip #2 Take, Trash, Tweak Method
  • Tip #3 Play Your Day

Now that you’ve had a week to sort out tips #1-3, let’s challenge ourselves a bit more. Don’t worry! These steps will be super simple, and set you up for success this August.

Tip #4 Tune in Each Wednesday in August

There are four Wednesdays this August. Wednesdays also happen to be the days I drop new podcast episodes. These four upcoming Wednesdays, I’ll be reading and praying scripture over you, the busy Christian mom. When you commit to these next four episodes, you’ll have dedicated time to:

  • Have scripture read over you
  • Have someone who cares about you (that’s me!) pray over you
  • Have time for independent, scripture focused prayer time

Tip #4 from this week goes nicely with Tip #1 from last week. When you can commit to going to church every Sunday in August, plus having scripture read and prayed over you each Wednesday day, it’ll be easier for you to be more consistent in your spiritual growth during this crazy month.

The easiest way to make sure you tune in, is to SUBSCRIBE to the Witty & Gritty podcast on whatever podcatcher you prefer. The Witty & Gritty podcast is on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google, YouTube, and virtually everywhere. Search Witty & Gritty podcast, click the show, and hit SUBSCRIBE. The episodes will automatically come to your phone every Wednesday.

You can also join my email list. All the heart eyes for those already on the list! I email you weekly about the show, plus you always get the inside scoop of what I’m working on for you! Plus, I love me a good gif, so you’ll get to experience that side of me too. All you have to do is head to There will be a pop up form you can fill out, or you can scroll to the bottom of the page and type in your email. This link is also in the show notes. I’ve made it as easy as possible to get on the email list.

Tip #5 Bring a Friend

Life is better with good, Christian friends! There’s a ton of scripture to back that up, and that’s for another episode. If you want to have a successful “zero slump” August, having someone come alongside you exponentially increases your odds for success. Let me read you one of my favorite scriptures about companionship:

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Whether it’s one person who loves Jesus, or your life group people…make a plan to get together once a week. Our church has built in childcare on Sunday nights, and if Sundays don’t work, they’ll cover the cost of the sitter. Wow! Ask your church if they have something life this, and make it work.

Another suggestion that my friend Emily does out in Nashville, the guys meet one week, and the girls meet the next. This gives them the chance to meet every other week. Lookie there, taking turns isn’t just for kids, huh?

Brainstorm, find a way, make it work. If you’re not sure what to do pray about it! Even if it means you bring Starbucks over to your bestie’s house while the kids run around and y’all can have intermittently interrupted conversation. Remember, some intentional minutes are better than no attempt.

Tip #6 Play Your Week

Just like with Tip #3 from last week, “play your day”, you now have the chance to play your week. Take all 6 of these tips and put them together in a way that works for you for the next 31 days in August. Here’s what your week may look like with the combination of these 6 tips:

  • Sunday: go to church (yay free childcare!)
  • Tuesday: attend Bible study (yay free childcare!)
  • Wednesday: listen to the newest episode of Witty & Gritty (yay free childcare!, I mean school! I kid, I’m a former teacher. I’m on your side, educators)
  • Friday: Coffee + Jesus talk with your bestie (probably no childcare, but maybe the kids won’t burn the house down)

It doesn’t have to work forever, and flexibility is important. Having some attempt at a plan, is once again, better than no attempt at all. This goes back to praying and asking God to help you out on this one. If He can part the seas, He can surely help you get ten uninterrupted minutes listening to next week’s episode to get some scripture spoken over you. Surely He can help you find an online sermon (see last week). Certainly He can give you a few minutes to chat with a friend about spiritual growth. God is Team Sanctification, so ask for help.

Episode 304 Recap

That wraps up episode 304: 3 MORE Tips to Avoid the Back to School Spiritual Slump. Let’s walk through all six tips from both episode 303 and 304 one more time:

  • Tip #1 Go to Church Every Sunday in August
  • Tip #2 Take, Trash, Tweak Method
  • Tip #3 Play Your Day
  • Tip #4 Tune in Each Wednesday in August
  • Tip #5 Bring a Friend
  • Tip #6 Play Your Week

My goodness! This episode wraps up the entire Summer Thrive Guide mini series! Episodes 291-304 have walked you through 14 weeks of having fun, staying on track spiritually, and ideas to help you do those things. Remember to subscribe and tune in the next four weeks of August so you can have scripture read over you and prayed over you. See you on episode 305, airing next Wednesday!

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Busy Christian Mom

Brooke Collier

I coach busy Christian moms to thrive in life by teaching them how to prioritize their relationship with God.