
How to Press On

In episode 201, “How to Press On”, Brooke & Faren discuss the meaning of Philippians 3:14 in the Bible. Hear what Paul says to the Philippians about how to keep moving forward towards God’s calling on our lives. We use our © Read Pray Talk Tell Method to discover ways we can practically live this scripture out in everyday life. The Philippians mini series begins on episode 199 and goes through episode 203 of the Witty & Gritty podcast.


Read About Pressing On

Life can be tough sometimes, and the good things is that you’ve got a God on your side fighting for you! God’s got your back, and in the book of Philippians we get to hear Paul talk about it. Before we break down this week’s verse, we want you to get the context by reading chapters 1-3 if you haven’t yet. This is not a long book, but the effort you put into the reading will benefit you in this episode on how to press on.

 “I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”

Philippians 3:14

The meaning of how to press on through trials doesn’t mean forgetting about what happened. It’s leveraging the past to move forward with what God is calling you to do. In this part of episode 201, we discuss the verses right before and after the text and put that through the lens of working for the Lord.

Pray Through Valleys

Take a moment and ask yourself this: “What am I currently pressing on through in this season of life?” Are you in a season of trial, or are you working on some things that happened in the past? Maybe you’re trying to set yourself up for success in the future by writing this scripture on your heart.

Bottom line, get to the end of the race in a way that glorifies God. Pray and ask God to help you through those valleys. Remember that forward is a pace, and God will give you the strength to put on foot in front of the other. Pray and ask Him for this.

Talk Through Trials

Have you ever felt like you were in too deep? Waves of negative feelings crashing over you only to break through the surface for quick breath is daunting. Hear us now…NEVER struggle alone. The devil wants you to feel like you can’t talk about it. Isolation is his game, and we can easily combat that with Christian community and healthy vulnerability.

There will be times you need to get some courage and ask for help. Follow these God nudges. Other times you may be on the receiving end, and you will need to drag your friend along that spiritual finish line. We all need accountability, and there is no shame in asking for help or helping others. Be bold and let Jesus shine through you. Use the giftings God has equipped you with to bring light and joy to those struggling (including you).

Tell Kids About Work Ethic

Pressing on is hard work, and it’s worth every second of that. This part of episode 201 “How to Press On”, we dive in on how to talk to your kids about working hard for the Lord even if it doesn’t make sense. Model and teach this:

  • Let your work ethic show the love of Jesus
  • Your job is to run your race (not someone else’s)

As the parent, you get to help equip them emotionally and spiritually. Tell them this phrase often: ” too. “I’m not leaving you, and God’s not leaving you either.” Take some time to look at your kid’s giftings and talents. Speak life into these and help your child foster them for God’s glory.

We hope you enjoyed episode 201, “How to Press On”, through our © Read Pray Talk Tell Method. Now it’s up to you to work through the Bible chapter discussed, pray about this verse using the prompts given, have biblical community around this verse, and go point others to Christ with the tips we give. Remember, when you read, pray, talk, tell consistently, you’ll grow your faith in God more deeply. Tune in next week to hear another breakdown of a Bible verse!

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Busy Christian Mom

Brooke Collier

I coach busy Christian moms to thrive in life by teaching them how to prioritize their relationship with God.